Sample & hold amplifiers

Design with our high-accuracy and fast-acquisition sample-and-hold circuits

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We offer monolithic sample-and-hold circuits that utilize BI-FET technology to obtain ultra-high DC accuracy with fast acquisition of signal and low droop rate. A bipolar input stage is used to achieve low offset voltage and wide bandwidth. These devices are available in catalog, military, and space grades.

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Technical resources

Application note
Application note
Specifications and Architectures of Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers
The selection of a S/H amplifier for a particular application requires an understanding of how S/Hs are specified and how a particular specification will affect system performance.
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Application note
Application note
AN-294 Special Sample and Hold Techniques
Extended hold times, rapid acquisition and reduced hold step are areas which require special circuit techniques to achieve good results. This application note discusses various techniques using TI devices.
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Selection guide
Selection guide
TI Space Products (Rev. J)
QMLV Radiation-Hardened and Radiation-Tolerant Products to help innovate your space designs
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