
Accessibility statement


Texas Instruments is committed to ensuring is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of situation or ability. To that end, we aim to be conformant with accessibility level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2. These guidelines set standards for making web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and easy to use for everyone.

Please note that while we make continued progress to ensure all of is accessible, there may be some pages or capabilities that don't yet fully meet this goal. We continue to prioritize accessibility as part of our daily efforts to maintain and improve our website, including:

  • Creating products and features with accessibility in mind.
  • Providing ongoing accessibility training for our team, including designers, developers, content creators, and project managers.
  • Using accessibility quality assurance methods. uses HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

TI is also committed to identifying, preventing, and removing barriers to accessibility by meeting the accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA). TI’s Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Plan under the AODA is available here.

To ask questions or provide feedback, or if you experience any difficulty accessing, please email Feedback forms can be made available upon request and in accessible formats.