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MSP430x11x, MSP430F21x1 Code Examples

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Release date: Jan 7, 2018
MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430F1101 8 MHz MCU with 1KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F1101A 8 MHz MCU with 1KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F1111A 8 MHz MCU with 2KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F112 8 MHz MCU with 2KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F1121 8 MHz MCU with 4KB Flash, 256B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F1121A 8 MHz MCU with 4KB Flash, 256B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F2101 16 MHz MCU with 1KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F2111 16 MHz MCU with 2KB Flash, 128B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F2121 16 MHz MCU with 4KB Flash, 256B SRAM, timer, comparator MSP430F2131 16 MHz MCU with 8KB Flash, 256B SRAM, timer, comparator

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