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MSP430F23x, MSP430F24x(1), MSP430F2410 Code Examples

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Release date: Jan 8, 2018
MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430F233 16 MHz MCU with 8KB Flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F235 16 MHz MCU with 16KB Flash, 512B SRAM, 10-bit ADC, 2 OpAmp, I2C/SPI/UART MSP430F2410 16 MHz MCU with 56KB Flash, 4KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F247 16 MHz MCU with 32KB Flash, 4KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F2471 16 MHz MCU with 32KB Flash, 4KB SRAM, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F248 16 MHz MCU with 48KB Flash, 4KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F2481 16 MHz MCU with 48KB Flash, 4KB SRAM, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F249 16 MHz MCU with 60KB Flash, 2KB SRAM, 12-Bit ADC, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier MSP430F2491 16 MHz MCU with 60KB Flash, 2KB SRAM, comparator, I2C/SPI/UART, HW multiplier

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