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MSP430F673x, MSP430F672x Code Examples

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Release date: Mar 11, 2020
MSP430 microcontrollers
MSP430F6720 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 16KB Flash, 1KB RAM MSP430F6721 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM MSP430F6723 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6724 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 96KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6725 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 128KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6726 Single-phase metering SoC with 2 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM MSP430F6730 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 16KB Flash, 1KB RAM MSP430F6731 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 32KB Flash, 2KB RAM MSP430F6733 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6734 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 96KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6735 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 128KB Flash, 4KB RAM MSP430F6736 Single-phase metering SoC with 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM

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