PurePath Studio for portable audio (Part 1 of 3)
This is the first in a series of three videos developed to help you create custom algorithms for TI’s family of miniDSP audio codecs.
PurePath Studio for portable audio allows you to create custom algorithms for a new family of miniDSP audio codecs, including the TLV320AIC3254. This easy-to-use software tool can drastically reduce software development time for months to even days. PurePath miniDSP for portable audio includes various ready-to-use algorithms for dynamics processing, including DRC and AGC, extensive filtering capabilities, and much more. This video series will help you get started using this powerful software tool.
In PurePath Studio GDE, your audio algorithms are created via three interfaces-- the Components Window, the Diagram Window, and the Properties Window. The Components Window has reusable code that can be dragged and dropped into the Diagram Window to build your application. The Properties Window displays configurable properties of a selected component placed in the Diagram Window.
The Menu Bar gives access to several options and tools. PurePath Studio GDE creates custom code that can be loaded into a miniDSP device. It is highly recommended to have an evaluation module, or EVM, to test and evaluate your algorithms.
The first step is to drag a framework from the Components Window into the Diagram Window. A framework contains all the code and data used by other components. We can start with the 8x interpolation, 4x decimation framework, which is commonly used for 48-kilohertz sampling rates and below.
Framework properties can be accessed by clicking the framework. In the Diagram Window. Other options, such as the sampling rate, can be accessed by clicking an open space in the Diagram Window. Note that the sampling rate setting applies only for the target system. The EVM currently supports only a sampling rate of 44.1 kilohertz.
As our first example, consider a simple system where a microphone is connected to the ADCs and is designed to route this signal to an external processor via I2S out. It is also desired to mix the I2S in data from an external processor with a microphone signal and send it to the DAX. The microphone signal, as seen here, is converted by the ADCs and is available from the 4x demication input component. This component can be found under the Input/Output category in the Components Window.
The signal is then passed to a volume control and it's routed to a splitter to send the data to the I2S out and the DAC miniDSP the DSP_A to DSP_D component allows communication between both ADC and DAC miniDSPs. Now, this signal is mixed with the I2S in data and sent to the DACs. This mix amount can be varied in the Properties Window by clicking the Mixer component. The Volume Controls Gain parameter can be changed directly on the Diagram Window or in the Properties Window.
We are now ready to generate our first code. Select the Build Item in the Menu bar and select Generate Code. Once complete, the Output Window will display Done. The output file can be found in the Working Directory as aicmain.cfg. This file contains miniDSP code as well as ready CIR configuration data.
If an EVM is available, connect a USB cable from the PC to the EVM, as well as your analog input source and headphones. Now the output code can be downloaded by selecting the Download code in the Build Item in the Menu bar. Once complete, the Diagram Window will change color, and the software title will display run mode. In this mode, some component parameters can be changed on the fly, such as the volume and the mix amount. Parameters that cannot be modified at run mode are displayed in gray in the Properties Window.
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