The LT1030C is an EIA/TIA-232-F line driver that operates over a ±5-V to ±15-V supply-voltage range on low supply current. The device can be shut down to zero supply current. Current limiting fully protects the outputs from externally applied voltages of ±30 V. Since the output swings to within 200 mV of the positive supply and to within 1 V of the negative supply, supply-voltage requirements are minimized.
A major advantage of the LT1030C is the high-impedance output state when the device is off or powered down. This feature allows several different drivers on the same bus.
The device can be used as an EIA/TIA-232-F driver, micropower interface, or level translator, among others.
The LT1030C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
The D package is available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to the device type (i.e., LT1030CDR).
The LT1030C is an EIA/TIA-232-F line driver that operates over a ±5-V to ±15-V supply-voltage range on low supply current. The device can be shut down to zero supply current. Current limiting fully protects the outputs from externally applied voltages of ±30 V. Since the output swings to within 200 mV of the positive supply and to within 1 V of the negative supply, supply-voltage requirements are minimized.
A major advantage of the LT1030C is the high-impedance output state when the device is off or powered down. This feature allows several different drivers on the same bus.
The device can be used as an EIA/TIA-232-F driver, micropower interface, or level translator, among others.
The LT1030C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
The D package is available taped and reeled. Add the suffix R to the device type (i.e., LT1030CDR).