Startseite Energiemanagement Leistungsschalter Solid-State-Relais



Isolierter Schalter mit 1200 V, 50 mA für die Automobilindustrie mit Avalanche-Wertung


Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 3750 FET Internal Imax (mA) 50 Ron (typ) (Ω) 130 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 20 Features 2-mA avalanche current TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 OFF-state leakage current (µA) 3.5 Rating Automotive Isolation rating Basic Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 5000 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1500
Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 3750 FET Internal Imax (mA) 50 Ron (typ) (Ω) 130 Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 20 Features 2-mA avalanche current TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 OFF-state leakage current (µA) 3.5 Rating Automotive Isolation rating Basic Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 5000 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1500
SOIC (DWQ) 11 106.09 mm² 10.3 x 10.3
  • Qualified for automotive applications
    • AEC-Q100 grade 1: –40 to 125°C T A
  • Integrated avalanche rated MOSFETs
    • Designed and qualified for reliability during overvoltage conditions, including system level dielectric withstand testing (Hi-Pot)
      • I AVA = 2-mA for 5-s pulses, 1-mA for 60-s pulses
    • 1200-V standoff voltage
    • R ON = 130-Ω (T J = 25°C)
    • T ON, T OFF < 700-µs
  • Low primary side supply current
    • 9-mA ON state current
    • 3.5-µA OFF state current
  • Functional Safety Capable
  • Robust isolation barrier:
    • > 26 year projected lifetime at 1000-V RMS / 1500-V DC working voltage
    • Isolation rating, V ISO, up to 3750-V RMS / 5300-V DC
    • Peak surge, V IOSM, up to 5000-V
    • ± 100-V/ns typical CMTI
  • SOIC 11-pin (DWQ) package with wide pins for improved thermal performance
    • Creepage and clearance ≥ 8-mm (primary-secondary)
    • Creepage and clearance ≥ 6-mm (across switch terminals)
  • Safety-related certifications
    • (Planned) DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01
    • (Planned) UL 1577 component recognition program
  • Qualified for automotive applications
    • AEC-Q100 grade 1: –40 to 125°C T A
  • Integrated avalanche rated MOSFETs
    • Designed and qualified for reliability during overvoltage conditions, including system level dielectric withstand testing (Hi-Pot)
      • I AVA = 2-mA for 5-s pulses, 1-mA for 60-s pulses
    • 1200-V standoff voltage
    • R ON = 130-Ω (T J = 25°C)
    • T ON, T OFF < 700-µs
  • Low primary side supply current
    • 9-mA ON state current
    • 3.5-µA OFF state current
  • Functional Safety Capable
  • Robust isolation barrier:
    • > 26 year projected lifetime at 1000-V RMS / 1500-V DC working voltage
    • Isolation rating, V ISO, up to 3750-V RMS / 5300-V DC
    • Peak surge, V IOSM, up to 5000-V
    • ± 100-V/ns typical CMTI
  • SOIC 11-pin (DWQ) package with wide pins for improved thermal performance
    • Creepage and clearance ≥ 8-mm (primary-secondary)
    • Creepage and clearance ≥ 6-mm (across switch terminals)
  • Safety-related certifications
    • (Planned) DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01
    • (Planned) UL 1577 component recognition program

The TPSI2140-Q1 is an isolated solid state relay designed for high voltage automotive and industrial applications. The TPSI2140-Q1 uses TI’s high reliability capacitive isolation technology in combination with internal back-to-back MOSFETs to form a completely integrated solution requiring no secondary side power supply.

The primary side of the device is powered by only 9 mA of input current and incorporates a fail-safe EN pin preventing any possibility of back powering the VDD supply. In most applications, the VDD pin of the device should be connected to a system supply between 5 V–20 V and the EN pin of the device should be driven by a GPIO output with logic HI between 2.1 V–20 V. In other applications, The VDD and EN pins could be driven together directly from the system supply or from a GPIO output. All control configurations of the TPSI2140-Q1 do not require additional external components such as a resistor and/or low side switch that are typically required in photo relay solutions.

The secondary side consists of back-to-back MOSFETs with a standoff voltage of ±1.2 kV from S1 to S2. The TPSI2140-Q1 MOSFET’s avalanche robustness and thermally conscious package design allow it to robustly support system level dielectric withstand testing (HiPot) and DC fast charger surge currents of up to 2 mA without requiring any external components.

The TPSI2140-Q1 is an isolated solid state relay designed for high voltage automotive and industrial applications. The TPSI2140-Q1 uses TI’s high reliability capacitive isolation technology in combination with internal back-to-back MOSFETs to form a completely integrated solution requiring no secondary side power supply.

The primary side of the device is powered by only 9 mA of input current and incorporates a fail-safe EN pin preventing any possibility of back powering the VDD supply. In most applications, the VDD pin of the device should be connected to a system supply between 5 V–20 V and the EN pin of the device should be driven by a GPIO output with logic HI between 2.1 V–20 V. In other applications, The VDD and EN pins could be driven together directly from the system supply or from a GPIO output. All control configurations of the TPSI2140-Q1 do not require additional external components such as a resistor and/or low side switch that are typically required in photo relay solutions.

The secondary side consists of back-to-back MOSFETs with a standoff voltage of ±1.2 kV from S1 to S2. The TPSI2140-Q1 MOSFET’s avalanche robustness and thermally conscious package design allow it to robustly support system level dielectric withstand testing (HiPot) and DC fast charger surge currents of up to 2 mA without requiring any external components.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPSI2140-Q1 1200-V, 50-mA, Automotive Isolated Switch With 2-mA Avalanche Rating datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 02 Jun 2023
White paper Designing Safer, Smarter and More Connected Battery Management Systems (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 27 Feb 2025
Application brief Implementing an Isolated Switch for Relay Welding Detection PDF | HTML 15 Aug 2024
Application note Basics of Solid-State Relays PDF | HTML 24 Jul 2024
Technical article How solid-state relays simplify insulation monitoring designs in high-voltage applications PDF | HTML 04 Jan 2024
Functional safety information TPSI2140-Q1 Functional Safety, FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution and Pin FMA (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 14 Jun 2023
EVM User's guide TPSI2140-Q1 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 05 Jun 2023
Product overview When to use SSR or Isolated Gate Driver PDF | HTML 04 Aug 2022
Technical article How to design high-voltage systems with higher reliability while reducing solution PDF | HTML 08 Jun 2022
Technical article How to achieve higher-reliability isolation and a smaller solution size with solid PDF | HTML 09 Mai 2022
Certificate TPSI2140Q1EVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) 05 Apr 2022

Design und Entwicklung

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