The LM160/LM360 is a very high speed differential input, complementary TTL output voltage comparator with improved characteristics over the μA760/μA760C, for which it is a pin-for-pin replacement. The device has been optimized for greater speed, input impedance and fan-out, and lower input offset voltage. Typically delay varies only 3 ns for overdrive variations of 5 mV to 400 mV.
Complementary outputs having minimum skew are provided. Applications involve high speed analog to digital convertors and zero-crossing detectors in disk file systems.
The LM160/LM360 is a very high speed differential input, complementary TTL output voltage comparator with improved characteristics over the μA760/μA760C, for which it is a pin-for-pin replacement. The device has been optimized for greater speed, input impedance and fan-out, and lower input offset voltage. Typically delay varies only 3 ns for overdrive variations of 5 mV to 400 mV.
Complementary outputs having minimum skew are provided. Applications involve high speed analog to digital convertors and zero-crossing detectors in disk file systems.