Gauging Parameter Calculator: Match chemistry for Impedance Track gauges



GPC Chemistry ID matching for Impedance Track (IT) algorithm gas gauges (Find closest chemistry match) must be done before Optimizing room temperature or low temperature performance.

Gauging Parameter Calculator Chemistry ID matching for Impedance track gas gauges (GPCCHEM) is a math calculation and simulation tool that helps the battery designer to obtain matching chemistry ID for the specific battery profile. Chemistry IDs are defined by Texas Instruments and can be programmed using Battery Management Studio (bqStudio). The GPCCHEM tool allows the user to increase the accuracy of the fuel gauge IC.

The battery pack must use one of TI’s Impedance Track(IT) algorithm based fuel gauges. It accepts log files in the format specified in the instruction manual. The log files can be created by using TI’s Battery Management Studio (bqStudio) software with the specific Evaluation board connected through USB, or by any battery tester with data logging capabilities like Arbin or Maccor. External equipment is required for charge and discharge. For accurate calculations it will also require additional parameters of the battery pack setup. The output information will be emailed as a text file containing the Chemistry ID. The chemistry ID data can be programmed into Data Flash using bqStudio to create a golden image that can be used in mass production of battery packs.

If bqStudio is used for logging, an EV2300 or EV2400 PC interface board is required to interface to the gas gauge, and a PC USB cable is required for communication with a PC. Both can be ordered online at Windows™-based PC software is available online as well. With the EV2300 or EV2400 interface board and software, the user can read the data registers, program the chipset for different configurations, log cycle data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the solution under different charge and discharge conditions.

This tool is an alternative to the existing Mathcad™ spreadsheet at

This tool does not require the purchase of a separate Mathcad™ license.

Depending on the specific gas gauge product, bqStudio software may provide a packaging utility to create the zip file from the log files.

Note: This tool is not applicable to Compensated End of Discharge Voltage (CEDV) gauges.

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Get started

  1. Download the instruction manual for single or multiple cell (in series) battery pack and the data packaging tool (bqStudio) that creates zip file for upload
  2. Upload the zip file (login required)
  3. Gauging parameter calculation chemistry ID match report will be emailed to you, which will look like this sample report 

Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
Application note Simple Guide to Chemical ID Selection Tool (GPC) (Rev. A) PDF | HTML Jun 5, 2018

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