Evaluate the CC1310 Transceiver
LAUNCHXL-CC1310 — SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz wireless microcontroller (MCU) LaunchPad™ development kit
BOOSTXL-ULPSENSE — SimpleLink™ ULP Sense BoosterPack™
BOOSTXL-SHARP128 — Sharp® 128x128 Memory LCD and microSD Card TI BoosterPack™
FLASH-PROGRAMMER — SmartRF flash programmer
SMARTRF-STUDIO-7 — SmartRF Studio 7 application software
SMARTRF-STUDIO-7 — SmartRF Studio 7 application software
MSP430 microcontrollers
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
Sub-1 GHz transceivers
Other wireless products
Automotive wireless connectivity products
Hardware development
Development kit
Evaluation board
Interface adapter
Daughter card
SmartRF Studio 7 in Cloud TI Resource Explorer
Compressed source file archive
Release Infomation
SmartRF™ Studio is a Windows application that can be used to evaluate and configure Low Power RF devices from Texas Instruments. The application helps designers of RF systems to easily evaluate the radio at an early stage in the design process. It is especially useful for generation of configuration register values and commands, and for practical testing and debugging of the RF system. SmartRF Studio can be used either as a standalone application or together with applicable evaluation boards or debug probes for the RF device.
What's new
- Updated RF PHY settings for the CC13x4/CC26x4 devices
- Updated target board definitions for LP_EM_CC2674P10
- Various improvements and bug-fixes
SIMPLELINK-ACADEMY-CC13X0 — Simplelink™ CC13x0 Academy
SIMPLELINK-ACADEMY-CC13X0 — Simplelink™ CC13x0 Academy
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
Initial release of CC13x0 Academy
SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK — SimpleLink™ CC13x0 software development kit
SIMPLELINK-CC13X0-SDK — SimpleLink™ CC13x0 software development kit
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Development kit
Release Infomation
The SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Software Development Kit (SDK) is part of the Texas Instruments SimpleLink family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs), offering a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. For more information about the SimpleLink MCU platform, visit www.ti.com/simplelink.
SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Software Development Kit is a set of software development tools that enables engineers to develop software applications on the SimpleLink™ CC13x0 ULP devices. This powerful software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink™ CC13x0 users by packaging essential software components such as TI RTOS, peripheral drivers, TI 15.4-Stack, Bluetooth Low Energy, and RF-Proprietary examples in one easy-to-use software package along with exhaustive documentation.
This is version of the SimpleLink CC13x0 SDK.
What's new
- The ECDH and ECDSA driver has been updated with new validation options. This driver will now validate public key, random string, signature and private key before driver operations.
- Bugfix for the TI 15.4-Stack
- SimpleLink platform level changes are available in SimpleLink Core SDK Release Notes
- SDK Change Log provides a list of all SDK component changes
- Please refer to the Document Overview for the individual release notes and details for starting development with each SDK component
SENSOR-CONTROLLER-STUDIO — Sensor Controller Studio
SENSOR-CONTROLLER-STUDIO — Sensor Controller Studio
Installer executable
Compressed archive
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
Other wireless products
Automotive wireless connectivity products
Hardware development
Development kit
Evaluation board
Compressed source file archive
Release Infomation
Sensor Controller Studio is used to write, test and debug code for the CC26xx/CC13xx Sensor Controller, allowing for ultra-low power application design.
The tool generates a Sensor Controller Interface driver, which is a set of C source files to be compiled into the System CPU (ARM Cortex-M3/M4) application. These source files contain the Sensor Controller firmware image and associated definitions, and generic functions that allow the System CPU application to control the Sensor Controller and exchange data.
The Sensor Controller is a small CPU core that is highly optimized for low power consumption and efficient peripheral operation. The Sensor Controller is located in the CC26xx/CC13xx auxiliary (AUX) power/clock domain, and can perform simple background tasks autonomously and independently of the System CPU and the MCU domain power state. Such tasks include but are not limited to:
- Analog sensor polling, using ADC or comparator
- Digital sensor polling, using SPI, I2C or other protocols
- Capacitive sensing, using current source, comparator and time-to-digital converter (TDC)
- Waveform generation, for example for LCDs
The Sensor Controller is user programmable, using a simple programming language with syntax similar to C. This allows for sensor polling and other tasks to be specified as sequential algorithms, rather than static configuration of complex peripheral modules, timers, DMA, register programmable state machines, event routing and so on. The main advantages are:
- Flexibility
- Dynamic reuse of hardware resources
- Ability to perform simple data processing without need for dedicated hardware
- Observability and debugging options
What's new
- Added support for new devices: CC2672R3, CC2672P3, CC2662R-Q1, CC2652PSIP and CC2652P7.
- Added example support for new SDKs, using TI-RTOS 7 and GPIO driver for the latest CC13x2/CC26x2 SDK.
- Minor improvements.
- Bug-fixes.
CCSTUDIO — Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
CCSTUDIO — Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
This design resource supports most products in these categories.
Check the product details page to verify support.
parametric-filter Digital signal processors (DSPs) -
parametric-filter Arm-based processors -
parametric-filter MSP430 microcontrollers -
parametric-filter C2000 real-time microcontrollers -
parametric-filter Arm-based microcontrollers -
parametric-filter Signal conditioners -
parametric-filter mmWave radar sensors -
parametric-filter Wi-Fi products -
parametric-filter Sub-1 GHz products -
parametric-filter Digital power isolated controllers
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Arm Cortex-R MCUs
Automotive mmWave radar sensors
Industrial mmWave radar sensors
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Development kit
Release Infomation
The Code Composer Studio™ IDE is a complete integrated suite that enables developers to create and debug applications of all Texas Instruments Embedded Processors (Sitara, DSP, Automotive, Keystone), Microcontrollers (SimpleLink™, C2000 Digital Control, MSP430, TM4C, Hercules), as well as Digital Power (UCD) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) devices.
CCS v20 is TI’s next generation Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on Theia IDE framework. CCS v20.1.0 uses a modified version of the Theia-IDE framework and offers a user experience similar to Visual Studio Code™.
- Installation instructions and User's Guide
- Windows 32bit is not supported with CCSv20.
- XDS510 class debug probes are not supported with CCSv20.
What's new
- IDE features improvements (Projects, Memory View, Watch View, Breakpoints, etc.)
- Startup improvement on macOS version with Arm® processors
- Note: the Theia IDE component is now compiled for Arm® processors for performance improvements, but the backend components are still x86 based, so Rosetta is still required.
- Device Support Updates (added AM62L support, added xWRL68xx support, added MSPM0C110x support, various improvements to LPCS flash library, various improvements and bug fixes for F28 and F29 devices)
- Compiler Updates (TI ARM Clang v4.0.2. More info: https://www.ti.com/tool/download/ARM-CGT-CLANG)
- SysConfig v1.23 supporting the latest devices, features improvements, bug fixes (more info: https://www.ti.com/tool/download/SYSCONFIG)
- Updated to latest J-Link support package (v8.12.4)
- Various enhancements and bug fixes
UNIFLASH — UniFlash for most TI microcontrollers (MCUs) and mmWave sensors
UNIFLASH — UniFlash for most TI microcontrollers (MCUs) and mmWave sensors
C2000 real-time microcontrollers
Arm-based processors
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
Arm Cortex-R MCUs
Automotive mmWave radar sensors
Industrial mmWave radar sensors
Release Infomation
UniFlash is a standalone tool used to program on-chip and external flash memory on TI MCUs and on-board flash memory for Sitara processors. UniFlash has a GUI, command line, and scripting interface. UniFlash is available free of charge.
What's new
- Device support sync-up with CCS v20.1.0
- Updated J-Link support package (v8.12.4)
- Updated Image Creator package (v3.24.4.1)
- Updated MSP Bootloader package for macOS (v1.7.0.0)
- Added ability to split the program and verify steps in a generated CLI package, to improve the flow for some security devices
- For Connectivity devices, added a setting to control if UniFlash will switch to a different configuration during connect for locked boards
- various bug fixes