Evaluate with PGA460
Start evaluating with the hardware, software, and key documentation that you will need to evaluate the PGA460.
Evaluation board
— PGA460-Q1 ultrasonic sensor signal conditioning evaluation module with transducers
Development kit
MSP-EXP430F5529LP — MSP430F5529 LaunchPad™ development kit for USB
Doing data capture and evaluation.
User's Guide
PGA460-Q1 Ultrasonic Signal Conditioner EVM With Transducer User's Guide — SLAU659.PDF (12092KB)
You want to use PGA460EVM.
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
SLAC739 — PGA460-Q1 EVM GUI (Version
You want to use PGA460 data capture and monitoring functionality.
SLAC739 — PGA460-Q1 EVM GUI (Version
Release date: 21 Jul 2019
Ultrasonic sensor AFEs
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/slac739 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/slac739t/slac739t.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SLAC739. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.
Documentation & related resources
User guide
PGA460-Q1 EVM Quick Start Guide
Software development
PGA460 Energia Library and Code Example (Version 1.1.0)