TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library




The Chip Support Library (CSL) provides an application programming interface (API) used for configuring and controlling the DSP on-chip peripherals for ease of use, compatibility between various C6000 devices and hardware abstraction. This will shorten development time by providing standardization and portability. The functions listed in the features section are specifically designed for the following devices: C6201, C6202, C6203, C6204, C6205, C6211, C6410, C6412, C6413, C6414, C6415, C6416, C6418, C6701, C6711, C6712, C6713, DA610, DM640, DM641 and DM642.


Module NamePeripheral Description
DATDevice independent data copy/fill
DMADirect memory access
EDMAEnhanced direct memory access
EMIF, EMIFA, EMIFBExternal memory interfaces
GPIOGeneral-Purpose Input/Output
HPIHost Port Interface
IRQInterrupt controller
McBSPMultichannel Buffered Serial Port
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect Interface
PWRPower down
TCPTurbo Decoder Coprocessor
VCPViterbi Decoder Coprocessor
XBUSExpansion Bus
I2CInter-Integrated Circuit
McASPMulti channel Audio Serial Port
PLLPhase-Locked Loop Controller
VPVideo Port
VICVCXO Interpolated Control
EMACEthernet Media Access Controller
MDIOManagement Data Input/Output 


Driver or library

SPRC090 Download TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Digital signal processors (DSPs)
TMS320C6412 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, McASP, I2cC, Ethernet TMS320C6414 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP TMS320C6414T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 1GHz, McBSP TMS320C6415 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, PCI TMS320C6415T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 850MHz, McBSP, PCI TMS320C6416 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, PCI, VCP/TCP TMS320C6416T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 850MHz, McBSP, PCI, VCP/TCP TMS320C6701 C67x floating-point DSP- up to 167MHz, McBSP TMS320DM640 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM641 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM642 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM642Q Video/imaging fixed-point digital signal processor
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SPRC090 Download TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library

Latest version
Release date: Apr 4, 2006
Digital signal processors (DSPs)
TMS320C6412 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, McASP, I2cC, Ethernet TMS320C6414 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP TMS320C6414T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 1GHz, McBSP TMS320C6415 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, PCI TMS320C6415T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 850MHz, McBSP, PCI TMS320C6416 C64x fixed point DSP- up to 720MHz, McBSP, PCI, VCP/TCP TMS320C6416T C64x fixed point DSP- up to 850MHz, McBSP, PCI, VCP/TCP TMS320C6701 C67x floating-point DSP- up to 167MHz, McBSP TMS320DM640 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM641 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM642 Video/Imaging Fixed-Point Digital Signal Processor TMS320DM642Q Video/imaging fixed-point digital signal processor

Release Information

The design resource accessed as www.ti.com/lit/zip/sprc090 or www.ti.com/lit/xx/sprc090/sprc090.zip has been migrated to a new user experience at www.ti.com/tool/download/SPRC090. Please update any bookmarks accordingly.

Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
User guide TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide (Rev. J) Aug 13, 2004

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