TI’s dual-mode Bluetooth stack enables Bluetooth + Bluetooth Low Energy and is comprised of Single Mode and Dual Mode offerings implementing the Bluetooth 4.0/4.1/4.2 specification. The Bluetooth stack is fully Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) qualified, certified and royalty-free, provides simple command line sample applications to speed development, and upon request has MFI capability.
The stack works with the following devices:
1 For more details refer to the table
The MCU SDKs (CC256XMSPBTBLESW, CC256XM4BTBLESW, CC256XSTBTBLESW) work with all CC256x EM boards (CC256XQFNEM and CC2564MODNEM) while the Linux SDK works both WL18xx modules (WL1835MODCOM8b, WL1837MODCOM8i) and CC256x EM boards. Both the CC256x EM boards and WL18xx modules include TI's seventh-generation Bluetooth core and provide a product-proven solution that is Bluetooth 4.1/4,2 compliant. The devices provide best-in-class RF performance with a transmit power and receive sensitivity that provides range of about 2X compared to other BLE-only solutions. Furthermore, TI’s power-management hardware and software algorithms provide significant power savings in all commonly used Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE modes of operation.
Software development kit | Supported devices | BT SIG qualified | Supported IDE | Environment | Evaluation devices |
Bluetooth controller | Host | Bluetooth EVM | Host EVM |
CC256XMS432BTBLESW | CC2560 CC2564 CC2564MODN | Any MSP432 MCU with Flash>= 128KB and RAM>= 8KB | QDID 69887 QDID 69886 | CCS IAR KEIL | No OS | BOOST- CC2564MODA | MSP-EXP432P401R LaunchPad (optional Audio Codec: CC3200AUDBOOST) |
CC256XMSPBTBLESW | CC2560 CC2564 CC2564MODN | Any MSP430 MCU with Flash>= 128KB and RAM>= 8KB | QDID 37180 QDID 42849 | CCS IAR | No OS | CC256XQFNEM CC2564MODNEM | MSP-EXP430F5529 MSP-EXP430F5438 |
CC256XM4BTBLESW | CC2560 CC2564 CC2564MODN | Any TM4C MCU with Flash>= 128KB | QDID 37180 QDID 42849 | CCS KEIL IAR | RTOS No OS | CC256XQFNEM CC2564MODNEM | DK-TM4C123G DK-TM4C129 |
CC256XSTBTBLESW | CC2560 CC2564 CC2564MODN | Other MCUs | QDID 69887 QDID 69886 | KEIL IAR | RTOS No OS | CC256XQFNEM CC2564MODNEM | Other MCU EVMs |
TI-BT-STACK-LINUX-ADDON | WL1835MOD * WL1837MOD | Ubuntu 12.04 Ubuntu 14.04 | QDID 37180 QDID 42849 | CCS for Linux development | Linux | WL1835MODCOM8B WL1837MODCOM8i | AM437xEVM AM335xEVM TMDXEVM3358 TMDSSK3385 BEAGLEBK |
* The Linux add-on contains pre-built libraries that were compiled with Linaro GCC 4.7 toolchain. The full list of supported platforms can be found in the TI-BT-STACK-LINUX-ADDON page.