Battery Management and Auxiliary Power Supply Options for E-Meters
Smart electric meters are required to maintain normal operation for a short period of time after the electric grid fails. This reference design details methods by which designers can meet this requirement when using an advanced, smart meter MCU. Designers can use this design to evaluate options for battery management and auxiliary power supplies quickly and easily.
- Two types of power sources for the auxiliary supply of the host MCU: independent regulator with super-cap back-up and (2) AAA batteries
- Separate power supply for Real-time Clock
- Automatic time capture of external events for tamper detection
- Automated or manual switching of power supply
- Automated power supply monitoring
A fully assembled board has been developed for testing and performance validation only, and is not available for sale.
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MSP430F67791A — Polyphase metering SoC with 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD, real-time clock, 512KB Flash, 32KB RAM
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