TLV320DAC3203 Evaluation Module


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The TLV320DAC3203EVM-K is a complete evaluation/demonstration kit for the TLV320DAC3203 audio DAC. The kit includes a TLV320DAC3203EVM, and a USB-based motherboard called the USB-MODEVM Interface board. The TLV320DAC3203EVM-K software, the DAC3203 CS, is an intuitive, easy-to-use, powerful tool to learn, evaluate, and control the TLV320DAC3203. This tool was specifically designed to make learning the TLV320DAC3203 easy.

The TLV320DAC3203EVM-K is operational with one USB cable connection to a PC. The USB connection provides power, control, and streaming audio data to the EVM for reduced setup and configuration. The EVM also allows external control signals, audio data, and power for advanced operation, which allows prototyping and connection to the rest of the development or evaluation system.

  • Full-featured evaluation board for the TLV320DAC3203 stereo audio DAC.
  • USB connection to PC provides power, control, and streaming audio data for easy evaluation
  • Digital microphone connections
  • Connection points for external control and digital audio signals for quick connection to other circuits/input devices
  • Audio DACs
    TLV320DAC3203 Stereo audio DAC with stereo 125-mW headphone driver & audio processing
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    Evaluation board

    TLV320DAC3203EVM-K — TLV320DAC3203 Evaluation Module

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    GUI for evaluation module (EVM)

    SLAC520 — TLV320DAC3203EVM-K Software

    Supported products & hardware

    SLAC520 TLV320DAC3203EVM-K Software

    Latest version
    Release date: 16 Apr 2012
    download TLV320DAC3203EVM-K Software (zip)  — 136364 K

    Hardware development
    Evaluation board
    TLV320DAC3203EVM-K TLV320DAC3203 Evaluation Module

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    Support software

    SLAC563 — Audio Converter Firmware (TAS1020B) V0304

    Supported products & hardware

    SLAC563 Audio Converter Firmware (TAS1020B) V0304

    Latest version
    Release date: 11 Feb 2014

    Hardware development
    Evaluation board
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    TI's Standard Terms and Conditions for Evaluation Items apply.

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    Technical documentation

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    Type Title Date
    Certificate TLV320DAC3203EVM-K EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 02 Jan 2019
    EVM User's guide TLV320DAC3203EVM-K User's Guide 18 Apr 2012

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