This reference design is a 3.6kW, single-phase, totem-pole bridgeless power factor correction (PFC) converter targeting modular hardware system common redundant power supply (M-CRPS) servers. The PFC operates at continuous conduction mode (CCM) at AC peak where inductor current is high, and operates at triangular conduction mode (TCM) with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) at AC low area where the inductor current is low, achieving both high efficiency and high-power density. The power stage is followed by a baby boost converter, which helps to reduce the size of the bulk capacitor. This design also includes e-meter functionality with 0.5% accuracy using AMC1306 as a current sensing device, eliminating the need for external power metering ICs. An alternative low-cost current sensing option using TMCS1133 is also provided in this design. This design works with the LMG3427R30 gallium nitride (GaN) device, which has an integrated zero-current detection (ZCD) circuit for TCM control. The F28003x C2000™ real-time microcontroller is used for all the advanced controls including PFC control and e-metering.
- CCM-TCM multimode control in each AC half cycle. Light load efficiency is improved up to 2%
- TI GaN with integrated zero current sensing
- Single current sensor for both PFC control and e-metering with <0.5% accuracy
- Includes baby boost to extend holdup time and reduce bulk capacitor
- Re-rush current control when AC comes back from dropout