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Rack & server power

Address the power density and efficiency needs of the future with products and system-level products for rack and server applications

Increasing needs of functionality and power level with limited spaces in server and telecommunication power supplies drive the adoption of wide-bandgap devices (including gallium nitride (GaN)), more accurate sensing circuit, and more complex real-time control. Our GaN, C2000™ microcontrollers, hall sensor, isolated amplifier products and reference designs address the latest server and telecommunication power supply requirements including 80 Plus Titanium efficiency, Modular Hardware System-Common Redundant Power Supply (M-CRPS), and Open Compute Project Open Rack v3 (OCP ORv3) specifications.

Why choose TI for rack & server power applications?


Maximize efficiency

Our gallium-nitride devices enable higher-efficiency topologies that can help meet standards such as 80 Plus Titanium and Modular Hardware System-Common Redundant Power Supply (M-CRPS).


Increase power density

Our novel approach to circuit integration enables faster switching speeds to help reduce system size, while our high-performance packages facilitate greater power dissipation in a smaller area.


Create secure systems

Our C2000™ microcontrollers have security features that protect systems, while including the latest firmware to make them easy to update.

Engineering efficiency for rack and server power designs

High-performance smart switches

Gallium-nitride (GaN) transistors are wide band-gap devices capable of switching at higher frequencies than traditional silicon field-effect transistors. GaN devices also have lower capacitance and zero reverse recovery, which enables their use in topologies that were previously not achievable with silicon.

Integrated smart gate drivers help reduce parasitics and ensure the presentation of the correct drive signal to the gate of the device. In addition, gate drivers help enable protection and monitoring features such as overcurrent, overtemperature, zero current and voltage detection.

Our GaN devices enable server power-supply units to achieve 80 Plus Titanium and OCP ORv3 efficiency requirements in smaller sizes than previous systems.

Application note
Thermal Performance of QFN12x12 Package for 600V, GaN Power Stage (Rev. A)
This application report introduces the thermal management consideration and performance using our GaN products.
Analog Design Journal
Solving AC dropout recovery in a high-density GaN-optimized PFC converter
Totem-pole bridgeless PFC introduces challenges including current management during AC voltage dropout. We are able to overcome these challenges with our C2000™ real-time MCU and power supply system design capabilities.
More literature
Optimizing GaN-Based High-Voltage, High-Power Designs
This article shows how GaN can help increase power density. PCB layout placement considerations have been addressed as GaN FETs can switch at a faster speed over silicon FET which needs a good layout to ensure proper operation. 
Featured products for GaN power stages
LMG3422R050 ACTIVE 600-V 50-mΩ GaN FET with integrated driver, protection and temperature reporting
LMG3422R030 ACTIVE 600-V 30-mΩ GaN FET with integrated driver, protection and temperature reporting
LMG3522R030 ACTIVE 650-V 30-mΩ GaN FET with integrated driver, protection and temperature reporting

Easy-to-use digital control

Digital control helps make complex topologies simple. Our C2000™ microcontrollers facilitate the programming of many features. Real-time control enables fast switching speeds, high-resolution pulse-width modulation and accurate monitoring – all with an easy-to-use programming interface. Built-in hardware and software functions allow you to easily handle security features. Our UCD controller family includes hardware accelerators that make programming the devices even easier.

White paper
Achieve Power-Dense and Efficient Digital Power Systems by Combining TI GaN FETs
This white paper explains how the features of TI gallium nitride (GaN) field-effect transistors (FETs) with an integrated driver and TI C2000™ real-time microcontrollers (MCUs) work in harmony together.
Technical article
How processing in real-time drives high-performance power systems
Growing energy use requires efficient, compact power systems. This has lead to power-conversion systems to deliver high power efficiency, a fast transient response and high power density with larger power capacity.
Technical article
Meeting server power supply design trends with a real-time MCU
 Our C2000™ real-time microcontrollers offers integrated features that help you achieve advanced real-time control. The family complements the needs of wide bandgap technologies like GAN by unlocking their full potential.
Featured products for real-time digital control
TMS320F280039C ACTIVE C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 384-KB flash, FPU, TMU with CLA, CLB, AES and CAN-FD
TMS320F2800137 ACTIVE C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 120 MHz, 256-KB flash, FPU and TMU
UCD3138 ACTIVE Highly Integrated Digital Controller for Isolated Power with 3 Feedback Loops and 8 DPWM Outputs

Accurate and low-cost sensing

Current sensing plays a critical role in server and telecommunication power-supply units (PSUs). The control, protection and monitoring of various PSU subsystems requires accurate current measurements.

Our products for isolated current sensing include low-cost Hall-effect sensors and highly accurate shunt-based approaches for isolated sensing. For nonisolated sensing, our devices offer a wide range of supported voltages to help make current sensing easier.

Application note
TMCS110x Layout Challenges and Best Practices
This application report delves into some of the challenges pertaining to Hall-based current monitors, including output limitations, limitations on current measurement, layout challenges, and contributions from external fields.
Circuit design
Isolated Current-Sensing Circuit With ±50-mV Input and Single-Ended Output
This isolated single-supply bidirectional current sensing circuit can accurately measure load currents from –50 A to 50 A.
Current sensing considerations in a bridgeless totem pole PFC
There are many choices for current sensing these include; Hall-effect sensors, shunt sensing and isolated sensing. This article will help to choose the right one for your application.
Featured products for current sensing
AMC3306M05 ACTIVE ±50-mV input, precision current sensing reinforced isolated modulator with integrated DC/DC
INA293 ACTIVE -4-V to 110-V, 1.3-MHz, ultra-precise current sense amplifier
NEW TMCS1133 ACTIVE 80ARMS 1MHz Hall-effect current sensor with AFR and ALERT

Design & development resources

Design tool
Power Stage Designer™ software tool of most commonly used switchmode power supplies

Power Stage Designer is a JAVA-based tool that helps speed up power-supply designs as it calculates voltages and currents of 21 topologies based on user inputs. Additionally, Power Stage Designer contains a Bode plotting tool and a helpful toolbox with various functions to make power supply design (...)

Calculation tool
GaN CCM Totem Pole PFC Power Loss Calculation Excel Sheet
This excel sheet provides loss calculation and thermal performance using our GaN devices in continuous conduction mode totem pole power factor correction circuit.
Software development kit (SDK)
DigitalPower software development kit (SDK) for C2000™ MCUs
    • DigitalPower SDK for C2000™ microcontrollers (MCU) is a cohesive set of software infrastructure, tools, and documentation designed to minimize C2000 MCU based digital power system development time targeted for various AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC power supply applications. The software includes (...)

Reference designs related to Rack & server power

Use our reference design selection tool to find designs that best match your application and parameters.

Innovative semiconductor design and packaging technologies are improving efficiencies in data centers as server power demands increase.
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