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Battery authentication ICs

Reliable battery pack authentication

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We understand that protecting your battery pack from counterfeit batteries and peripherals is an important care-about for battery pack manufacturers. Our battery authentication devices provide a simple and effective solution to ensure customer satisfaction, protect your business and improve safety throughout the lifetime of the battery pack.

Technical resources

Application note
Application note
Battery Authentication and Security Schemes (Rev. A)
Read about the simple identification and more complicated challenge and response of SHA-1 and HMAC-based battery authentication schemes.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Analog Design Journal
Analog Design Journal
Improving Battery Safety, Charging, and Fuel Gauging in Portable Media Apps
Learn how to extend battery life and improve battery safety, charging and fuel gauging for portable media players and smartphones.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
Application note
Application note
How to Implement SHA-1/HMAC Authentication for bq26100 (Rev. A)
Learn how to develop a driver to authenticate a peripheral containing a BQ26100 security and authentication IC with an expected 128-bit secret key.
document-pdfAcrobat PDF