How do I edit freight carrier information within a specific checkout profile?
If you are in an administrator or buyer role:
- Log in to your myTI company account dashboard.
- Under Ordering, select Checkout profiles.
- On the Checkout profiles page, find the checkout profile that you want to change and click the Pencil icon.
- On the Edit checkout profile page, hover your mouse next to the words “Shipping method” until you see the Pencil icon.
- Under the Shipping method field, select different freight carriers or shipping level preference from the drop-down menus, or change the freight carrier account number.
- You must click the check box agreeing to the terms and conditions.
- Click Next.
- Click Next through any remaining categories. Click Save.
- Return to the Checkout profiles page. In the Status column, confirm that the checkout profile is listed as API eligible. A TI store eligible status would indicate that one or more of the fields that you edited is missing or creating an error.