Inventory subscription push API

Test endpoint:

Production endpoint:

The inventory subscription push API will notify you when an out-of-stock item becomes available, with current pricing information. It uses webhooks to send real-time notifications to your system and can be used to trigger automation flows.

Important notes:

  • This is for notifications only and does not reserve inventory.
  • Subscriptions are automatically removed after a stock-up triggering event, unless the "autoSubscribe" flag is set.
  • All subscriptions expire on their expiration date and will need to be resubmitted.  

Inventory restock notification logic:

  • You will not get notified if the current stock is already above your subscribed amount.
  • You will only be notified if the stock falls below and then rises back up to (or above) your subscribed quantity.

Testing push notifications:

  1. Use the ".../store/subscriptions/inventory/test" endpoint.   
  2. This will generate a test webhook sent to your configured API using an HTTP post request following the API specifications.
  3. It will then return the status code from your API.

Store inventory subscription flow overview

  1. Authentication: Get an access token using your assigned API key and secret.
  2. API request: Send a request to the inventory subscription API endpoint with the access token.
  3. API response: You will receive a response with a status code (200 OK) and a JSON. 


Pictured below: Subscription push notification example

  "type": "inventory",
  "data": {
    "tiPartNumber": "TESTOPN",
    "genericPartNumber": "TESTGPN",
    "buyNowUrl": "",
    "quantity": 0,
    "pricing": [
        "currency": "USD",
        "priceBreaks": [
            "priceBreakQuantity": 1,
            "price": 1.003
    "description": "Test product for test nofication",
    "minimumOrderQuantity": 1,
    "standardPackQuantity": 75,
    "exportControlClassificationNumber": "EAR99",
    "htsCode": "0123456789",
    "pinCount": 8,
    "packageType": "TESTOPN_8_SOIC_D",
    "packageCarrier": "TUBE",
    "customReel": false,
    "lifeCycle": "ACTIVE"


Store inventory subscription flow overview

  1. Authenticate with your assigned API key and secret.
  2. After you receive your access token, send a request to one of the inventory subscription APIs.
  3. The API will reply with a status code, 200 OK, and a JSON response.

TI store inventory subscription API


This API allows the user to subscribe to inventory back-in-stock notifications. When a part has stocked up, this API will generate a notification that is sent to your configured API via an HTTP POST request.

