12 Device and Documentation Support
12.1 Device Support
12.1.1 Related Documentation
See the Isolation Glossary (SLLA353) Specification Definitions
3-dB BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequency at which the reconstructed output fundamental deviates 3 dB from its low frequency value relative to the differential voltage signal applied at the device input pins.
APERTURE DELAY is the time delay between the rising edge of the clock until the input signal is acquired or held for conversion.
APERTURE JITTER (APERTURE UNCERTAINTY) is the variation in aperture delay from sample to sample.
CLOCK DUTY CYCLE is the ratio of the time during one cycle that a repetitive digital waveform is high to the total time of one period. The specification here refers to the ADC clock input signal.
COMMON MODE VOLTAGE (VCM) is the common DC voltage applied to both terminals of the ADC differential input.
COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (CMRR) is the ratio of the magnitude of the single-tone spur in the sampled spectrum (referred to the ADC analog input as a peak voltage quantity) to the peak voltage swing of a sinusoid simultaneously incident on the positive and negative terminals of a differential analog input as a common-mode signal from which the spur generated. CMRR is typically expressed in decibels [dB].
DIFFERENTIAL NON-LINEARITY (DNL) is the measure of the maximum deviation from the ideal step size of 1 least significant bit (LSB)
GAIN VARIATION is the expected standard deviation in the gain of the converter from an applied voltage to output codes between parts or between channels.
INTEGRAL NON-LINEARITY (INL) is a measure of the deviation of each individual code from a best-fit straight line. The deviation of any given code from this straight line is measured from the center of that code value.
INTERMODULATION DISTORTION (IMD) is the creation of additional spectral components as a result of two sinusoidal frequencies being applied to the ADC input at the same time. It quantifies the power of the largest intermodulation product adjacent to the input tones, expressed in dBFS.
LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT (LSB) is the bit that has the smallest value or weight of all bits. This value is VFS / 2n, where VFSis the full scale input voltage and n is the ADC resolution in bits.
MISSING CODES are those output codes that do not appear at the ADC outputs. The ADC14X250 device is specified not to have missing codes.
MOST SIGNIFICANT BIT (MSB) is the bit that has the largest value or weight. Its value is one half of full scale.
OFFSET ERROR is the difference between the two input voltages (VIN+ – VIN–) required to cause a transition from code 8191LSB and 8192LSB with offset binary data format.
POWER SUPPLY SENSITIVITY is a measure of the sensitivity of the power supplies to noise. In this specification, a supply is modulated with a 100-mV, 500-kHz sinusoid and the resulting spurs in the spectrum are measured. The sensitivity is expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS].
SAMPLE-TO-SERIAL OUT (S2SO) LATENCY is the number of frame clock cycles between initiation of conversion and the time when the first bit of serial data for that sample is present at the output driver. This latency is not specified to be deterministic.
SAMPLE-TO-PARALLEL OUT (S2PO) LATENCY is the number of frame clock cycles between initiation of conversion and the time when the parallel sample data is available at the output of the receiver’s elastic buffer. This latency is specified to be deterministic if the JESD204B subclass 1 requirements are satisfied.
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO (SNR) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the power of the input signal to the total power of all other spectral components, not including harmonics and DC. SNR is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
SIGNAL-TO-NOISE AND DISTORTION (SINAD) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the power of the input signal to the total power of all of the other spectral components, including harmonics but excluding DC. SINAD is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
NON-HD2/HD3 SPUR is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the power of the peak spurious signal to the power of the input signal, where a spurious signal is any signal present in the output spectrum that is not present at the input excluding the second and third harmonic distortion. This parameter is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
SPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGE (SFDR) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the input signal power to the peak spurious signal power, where a spurious signal is any signal present in the output spectrum that is not present at the input. SINAD is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION (2ND HARM or HD2) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the power of the input signal’s 2nd harmonic to the power of the input signal. HD2 is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION (3RD HARM or HD3) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the power of the input signal’s 3rd harmonic to the power of the input signal. HD3 is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc].
TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (THD) is the ratio, expressed in dB, of the total power of the first eight harmonics (HD2 through HD9) to the input signal power. THD is usually expressed relative to the power of a possible full-scale sinusoid [dBFS] or relative to the power of the actual input carrier signal [dBc]. JESD204B Definitions
DEVICE CLOCK is a master clock signal from which a device must generate its local frame and local multi-frame clocks. For the ADC14X250 device, this refers to the signal at the CLKIN input.
FRAME is a set of consecutive octets in which the position of each octet can be identified by references to a frame alignment signal.
FRAME CLOCK is a signal used for sequencing frames or monitoring their alignment. For the ADC14X250 device, this clock is internally generated and is not externally accessible.
LINK (DATA LINK) is an assembly, consisting of parts of two devices and the interconnecting data circuit, that is controlled by a long protocol enabling data to be transferred from a data source to a data sink. The link includes portions of the ADC14X250 device (transmitter), FPGA or ASIC (receiver), and the hardware that connects them.
LOCAL MULTI-FRAME CLOCK (LMFC) is a signal used for sequencing multi-frames or monitoring their alignment. This clock is derived inside the ADC14X250 device from the device clock and used in the implementation of the JESD204B link within the device.
MULTI-FRAME is a set of consecutive frames in which the position of each frame can be identified by reference to a multi-frame alignment signal.
OCTET is a group of eight adjacent binary digits, serving as the input to an 8B/10B encoder or the output of an 8B/10B decoder.
SCRAMBLING is the randomization of the output data that is used to eliminate long strings of consecutive identical transmitted symbols and avoid the presence of spectral lines in the signal spectrum without changing the signaling rate.
SERIAL LANE is a differential signal pair for data transmission in one direction.
SYSREF is a periodic, one-shot, or gapped periodic signal used to align the boundaries of local multi-frame clocks in JESD204B subclass 1 compliant devices. SYSREF must be source synchronous with the device clock.
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12.3 Community Resources
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12.4 Trademarks
E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
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12.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
12.6 Glossary
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.