SBAS844 May 2017 ADC32RF42
INAM | 41 | I | Differential analog input for channel A |
INAP | 42 | ||
INBM | 14 | I | Differential analog input for channel B |
INBP | 13 | ||
CM | 22 | O | Common-mode voltage for analog inputs, 1.2 V |
CLKINM | 28 | I | Differential clock input for the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). This pin has an internal differential 100-Ω termination. |
CLKINP | 27 | ||
SYSREFM | 34 | I | External sync input. This pin has an internal, differential 100-Ω termination and requires external biasing. |
SYSREFP | 33 | ||
GPIO1 | 19 | I/O | GPIO control pin; configured through the SPI. This pin can be configured to be either a fast overrange output for channel A and B, a fast detect alarm signal from the peak power detect, or a numerically-controlled oscillator (NCO) control. GPIO 4 (pin 63) can also be configured as a single-ended SYNCB input. |
GPIO2 | 20 | ||
GPIO3 | 21 | ||
GPIO4 | 63 | ||
RESET | 48 | I | Hardware reset; active high. This pin has an internal 20-kΩ pulldown resistor. |
SCLK | 6 | I | Serial interface clock input. This pin has an internal 20-kΩ pulldown resistor. |
SDIN | 5 | I/O | Serial interface data input. This pin has an internal 20-kΩ pulldown resistor. SDIN can be data input in 4-wire mode, data input and output in 3-wire mode. |
SEN | 7 | I | Serial interface enable. This pin has an internal 20-kΩ pullup resistor to DVDD. |
SDOUT | 11 | O | Serial interface data output in 4-wire mode |
PDN | 50 | I | Power down; active high. This pin can be configured through an SPI register setting and can be configured to a fast overrange output channel B through the SPI. This pin has an internal 20-kΩ pulldown resistor. |
DA0M | 62 | O | JESD204B serial data output for channel A |
DA0P | 61 | ||
DA1M | 59 | ||
DA1P | 58 | ||
DA2M | 56 | ||
DA2P | 55 | ||
DA3M | 54 | ||
DA3P | 53 | ||
DB0M | 65 | O | JESD204B serial data output for channel B |
DB0P | 66 | ||
DB1M | 68 | ||
DB1P | 69 | ||
DB2M | 71 | ||
DB2P | 72 | ||
DB3M | 1 | ||
DB3P | 2 | ||
SYNCBM | 36 | I | Synchronization input for the JESD204B port. This pin has an LVDS or 1.8-V logic input, an optional on-chip 100-Ω termination, and is selectable through the SPI. This pin requires external biasing. |
SYNCBP | 35 | ||
AVDD19 | 10, 16, 24, 31, 39, 45 | I | Analog 1.9-V power supply |
AVDD | 9, 12, 15, 17, 25, 30, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46 | I | Analog 1.15-V power supply |
DVDD | 4, 8, 47, 51, 57, 64, 70 | I | Digital 1.15 V-power supply, including the JESD204B transmitter |
GND | 3, 18, 23, 26, 29, 32, 37, 49, 52, 60, 67 | I | Ground; shorted to thermal pad inside device |