The digital bank contains seven pages (Offset Corrector Page for channel A and B; Digital Gain Page for channel A and B; Main digital Page for channel A and B; and JESD Digital Page). The timing for the individual page selection is shown in Figure 8-60. The registers located in the pages of the digital bank can be programmed by:
- Driving the SEN pin low.
- Setting the M bit to 1 and specifying the page
with the desired register. There are seven pages in Digital Bank. These pages can be
selected by appropriately programming register bits DIGITAL BANK PAGE SEL, located in
addresses 002h, 003h, and 004h, using three consecutive SPI cycles. Addressing in a SPI
cycle begins with 4xxx when selecting a page from digital bank because the M bit must be
set to 1.
- To select the offset corrector page
channel A: write address 4004h with 61h, 4003h with 00h, and 4002h with 00h.
- To select the offset corrector page
channel B: write address 4004h with 61h, 4003h with 01h, and 4002h with 00h.
- To select the digital gain page
channel A: write address 4004h with 61h, 4003h with 00h, and 4002h with 05h.
- To select the digital gain page
channel B: write address 4004h with 61h, 4003h with 01h, and 4002h with 05h.
- To select the main digital page
channel A: write address 4004h with 68h, 4003h with 00h, and 4002h with 00h.
- To select the main digital page channel B: write address 4004h
with 68h, 4003h with 01h, and 4002h with 00h.
- To select the JESD digital page: write address 4004h with 69h,
4003h with 00h, and 4002h with 00h.
- Writing into the desired register by setting both the M bit and P bit to 1. Write register content. When a page is selected, multiple writes into the same page can be done. Addressing in an SPI cycle begins with 6xxx when selecting a page from the digital bank because the M bit must be set to 1, as shown in Figure 8-61.
Note that the JESD digital page is common for both channels. The CH bit can be used to distinguish between two channels when programming registers in the JESD digital page. When CH = 0, registers are programmed for channel B; when CH = 1, registers are programmed for channel A. Thus, an SPI cycle to program registers for channel B begins with 6xxx and channel A begins with 7xxx.