SBASAU8 December 2024 ADC3649
When using real or complex decimation, the output data is serialized and transmitted using fewer LVDS transmitters. A frame clock (FCLK) marks the start and stop of the sample while the data bits are clocked out on the rising and falling edge of the data clock (DCLK). The frame clock is output on DOUT0 and there are a maximum number of 15 LVDS lanes available for data output. The output interface mapping always starts on lane DOUT15 unless the output mux is used.
In real decimation, only single band per ADC is supported.
The # of lanes and output data rates can be calculated with the following parameters:
Parameter | L ≥1 | L ˂ 1 |
Frame Clock (FCLK) Frequency | FS / D | |
Data Bit Clock (DCLK) Frequency | FS | DOUT / 2 |
Data output rate DOUT per Lane (DOUT/L) | FS x 2 | FS / D x 16 x K |
The SLVDS frame assembly is automatically performed by the ADC and follows this scheme, starting on lane DOUT15 and with the MSB of each channel:
Decimation | Output Resolution | Band order |
Real | 16-bit | B0, B1 |
32-bit | ||
Complex | 16-bit | B0I, B0Q, B1I, B1Q, B2I, B2Q, B3I, B3Q |
32-bit |
Following details the frame assembly and calculations for four different examples.
Example 1: Dual band, real decimation by 8, 16-bit output resolution, FS = 500MSPS
The SLVDS frame assembly for example 1 is shown in Figure 8-56. Two lanes are used to output the data with odd bits on DCLK rising edge and even bits on DCLK falling edge.
Example 2: Dual band, real decimation by 128, 32-bit output resolution, FS = 500MSPS
The SLVDS frame assembly for example 2 is shown in Figure 8-57. A single lane is used to first transmit the 32 bit of DDC band 0 (B0) followed by 32 bit of DDC band 1.
Example 3: Dual band, complex decimation by 16, 16-bit output resolution, FS = 500MSPS
The SLVDS frame assembly for example 3 is shown in Figure 8-58. The frame assembly starts on DOUT15 with MSB of DDC band B0. Each sample is spread across 2 lanes.
Example 4: Quad band, complex decimation by 8, 16-bit output resolution, FS = 500MSPS
The SLVDS frame assembly for example 3 is shown in Figure 8-59. The frame assembly starts on DOUT15 with MSB of DDC band B0. Each sample is spread across 8 lanes.
Example 5: Single band, complex decimation by 256, 32-bit output resolution, FS = 500MSPS
The SLVDS frame assembly for example 4 is shown in Figure 8-60. The frame assembly uses only DOUT15 starting with the 32-bit 'I' sample of DDC band 0 and ending with the 32-bit 'Q' sample of DDC band 1.