SBAS970 October 2019 ADS1235-Q1
NO. | NAME | ||
1 | NC | — | No connection; float or connect to AVSS |
2 | CAPP | Analog output | PGA output P; connect a 4.7-nF C0G dielectric capacitor across CAPP and CAPN |
3 | CAPN | Analog output | PGA output N; connect a 4.7-nF C0G dielectric capacitor across CAPP and CAPN |
4 | AVDD | Analog | Positive analog power supply |
5 | AVSS | Analog | Negative analog power supply |
6 | NC | — | No connection - solder the pin for mechanical support, float or connect to DGND |
7 | PWDN | Digital input | Power down, active low |
8 | RESET | Digital input | Reset, active low |
9 | START | Digital input | Start conversion control, active high |
10 | CS | Digital input | Serial interface chip select, active low |
11 | SCLK | Digital Input | Serial interface shift clock |
12 | DIN | Digital Input | Serial interface data input |
13 | DRDY | Digital output | Data ready indicator, active low |
14 | DOUT/DRDY | Digital output | Dual function serial interface data output and active-low data ready indicator |
15 | BYPASS | Analog output | Internal subregulator bypass; connect a 1-µF capacitor to DGND |
16 | DGND | Digital | Digital ground |
17 | DVDD | Digital | Digital power supply |
18 | CLKIN | Digital input | 1) Internal oscillator: connect to DGND, 2) External clock: connect clock input |
19-24 | NC | — | No connection - solder the pin for mechanical support, float or connect to DGND |
25 | AIN5 | Analog input | Analog input 5 |
26 | AIN4 | Analog input | Analog input 4 |
27 | AIN3 | Analog input/output | Analog input 3, GPIO3, ACX2 |
28 | AIN2 | Analog input/output | Analog input 2, GPIO2, ACX1 |
29 | AIN1 | Analog input/output | Analog input 1, GPIO1, ACX2, Reference input 1 negative |
30 | AIN0 | Analog input/output | Analog input 0, GPIO0, ACX1, Reference input 1 positive |
31 | REFN0 | Analog input/output | Reference input 0 negative |
32 | REFP0 | Analog input/output | Reference input 0 positive |
— | Thermal Pad | — | Exposed thermal pad - solder the pad for mechanical support; connect to AVSS. |