SBAS559A May 2022 – December 2022 ADS1285
The first section of the digital filter is a variable-decimation, fifth-order sinc filter (sinx/x). Modulator data are passed through the sample rate converter to the sinc filter at the nominal rate of fMOD = fCLK / 4 = 2.048 MHz (1.024-MHz low-power mode). The sinc filter partially filters the data for the FIR filter that produces the final frequency response. The sinc filter data are intended to be used with post-processing filters to shape the final frequency response.
Table 8-3 shows the decimation ratio and the resulting output data rate of the sinc filter. The sinc filter data rate is programmed by the DR[2:0] bits of the CONFIG0 register.
000 | 256 | 8,000 | 4,000 |
001 | 128 | 16,000 | 8,000 |
010 | 64 | 32,000 | 16,000 |
011 | 32 | 64,000 | 32,000 |
100 | 16 | 128,000 | 64,000 |
Equation 2 shows the Z-domain transfer function of the sinc filter.
Equation 3 shows the frequency domain transfer function of the sinc filter.
The sinc filter frequency response has notches (or zeros) occurring at the output data rate and multiples thereof. At these frequencies, the filter has zero gain. Figure 8-11 shows the wide-band frequency response of the sinc filter and Figure 8-12 shows details of the –3-dB response.
Figure 8-13 illustrates the sinc filter frequency response at fDATA = 32 kSPS. The tones at 1 kHz and harmonics are the result of dither added to the modulator input to suppress idle tones. The frequency of the dither signal is fMOD divided by the combined decimation ratio shown in Table 8-4. The rise of the noise floor at 2 kHz is resultant of modulator noise shaping. For sinc filter decimation N = 64 (data rate = 32 kSPS), the usable bandwidth by the use of external post filtering is 500 Hz.
The sinc filter data bypasses the data scaling, clip stage, and user calibration, and as a result, the sinc filter data are scaled differently compared to the FIR filter. See the Section 8.5.2 section for details of sinc filter data scaling.