SBAS778B June 2017 – August 2019 ADS1287
The calibration commands (OFSCAL or GANCAL) perform calibration on demand. These commands compute the offset and gain correction register factors, respectively. The appropriate calibration voltage must be applied for calibration. Low data rates are able to provide more consistent calibration results resulting from lower noise compared to high data rates. If calibrating at system power-on, be sure the reference voltage is fully settled. Calibration is not available when operating in the sinc filter mode.
Figure 62 shows the calibration command sequence. Apply the appropriate calibration voltage to the ADC. After the input voltage stabilizes, send the SDATAC, SYNC, and RDATAC commands in sequence (allow 24 / fCLK gaps between commands). DRDY is then driven low 64 data periods later. After DRDY is driven low, send the SDATAC command, then the calibration command (OFSCAL or GANCAL), followed by the RDATAC command. After 16 data periods, calibration completion is indicated when DRDY is driven low. The calibrated conversion data are available at this time. The SYNC input must remain high during the calibration sequence.