Serial Register Readout: JESD Bank
The content from one of the pages of the JESD bank can be read out by:
- Driving the SEN pin low.
- Selecting the JESD bank page. Note that the M bit = 1 and the P bit = 0.
- Write address 4003h with 00h.
- Write address 4005h with 01h to enable separate control for both channels.
- For the main digital page: write address 4004h with 68h.
- For the JESD digital page: write address 4004h with 69h.
- For the JESD analog page: write address 4004h with 6Ah.
- Setting the R/W, M, and P bits to 1, selecting channel A or channel B, and writing the address to be read back.
- Reading back the register content on the SDOUT pin; see Figure 74. When a page is selected, multiple read backs from the same page can be done. SDOUT comes out at the SCLK falling edge with an approximate delay (tSD_DELAY) of 68 ns; see Figure 75.