SBASB81 December 2024 AFE5401-EP
While the digital data from the four channels is multiplexed on the output bus, some mechanism is required to identify the data from the individual channels. Other than the output data and DCLK, the device also outputs DSYNCx signals that can be used for channel identification.
The DSYNCx output signals function with the TRIG input signal. Every time that a trigger pulse is received on the TRIG pin, the device outputs the DSYNC1 and DSYNC2 signals. The DSYNCx signals can be configured in the following ways:
The rising edge of the DSYNC1 signal coincides with the channel 1 data, as shown in Figure 7-22. This occurrence can be used by the receiving device to identify individual channels.
The sample phase period corresponds to the period when valid data is available from the device when OUT_MODE_EN = 1.