SBASB81 December 2024 AFE5401-EP
NAME | NO | |
D[11:0] | 35-46 | CMOS outputs for channels 1 to 4 |
D_GPO[1:0] | 47, 48 | General-purpose CMOS output |
AVDD3 | 18 | 3.3-V analog supply voltage |
AVDD18 | 19, 24, 62 | 1.8-V analog supply voltage |
AVSS | 20, 23, 61, 63 | Analog ground |
CLKINM | 22 | Negative differential clock input pin. A single-ended clock is also supported. |
CLKINP | 21 | Positive differential clock input pin. A single-ended clock is also supported. |
DCLK | 34 | CMOS output clock |
DRVDD | 32, 33, 50 | CMOS output driver supply |
DRVSS | 31, 49 | CMOS output driver ground |
DSYNC1 | 26 | Data synchronization clock 1 |
DSYNC2 | 27 | Data synchronization clock 2 |
DVDD18 | 28, 30, 51 | 1.8-V digital supply voltage |
DVSS | 29, 52 | Digital ground |
IN1M | 4 | Negative differential analog input pin for channel 1 |
IN1P | 3 | Positive differential analog input pin for channel 1 |
IN1M_AUX | 2 | Negative differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 1 |
IN1P_AUX | 1 | Positive differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 1 |
IN2M | 8 | Negative differential analog input pin for channel 2 |
IN2P | 7 | Positive differential analog input pin for channel 2 |
IN2M_AUX | 6 | Negative differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 2 |
IN2P_AUX | 5 | Positive differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 2 |
IN3M | 12 | Negative differential analog input pin for channel 3 |
IN3P | 11 | Positive differential analog input pin for channel 3 |
IN3M_AUX | 10 | Negative differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 3 |
IN3P_AUX | 9 | Positive differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 3 |
IN4M | 16 | Negative differential analog input pin for channel 4 |
IN4P | 15 | Positive differential analog input pin for channel 4 |
IN4P_AUX | 13 | Positive differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 4 |
IN4M_AUX | 14 | Negative differential auxiliary analog input pin for channel 4 |
NC | 58, 60 | Do not connect |
RESET | 57 | Hardware reset pin (active high). This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
SCLK | 56 | Serial interface clock input. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
SDATA | 55 | Serial interface data input. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
SDOUT | 53 | Serial interface data readout |
SEN | 54 | Serial interface enable. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-up resistor. |
STBY | 59 | Standby control input. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
TRIG | 25 | Trigger for DSYNC1 and DSYNC2. This pin has an internal 150-kΩ pull-down resistor. |
VCM | 17, 64 | Output pins for common-mode bias voltage of the auxiliary input signals |
Thermal pad | Pad | Located on bottom of package, internally connected to AVSS. Connect to ground plane on the board. |