SLASF21 December 2022 AFE78101 , AFE88101
To test the offset, modify the ADC data path by programming the bypass data register, ADC_BYP.DATA (2Eh). This read/write register is used in two different ways.
First, this bypass data register is used as a substitute for the ADC_OFFSET by setting the ADC_BYP.OFST_BYP_EN to 1.
Second, the ADC_BYP.DATA is used as the readback register for the data for the different settings of the custom channel sequencer. The data are replaced by setting the ADC_BYP.DATA_BYP_EN bit. When this bit is set to 1, the ADC conversion is bypassed, and the value of ADC_BYP.DATA is used in the readback channel. This setting is used to test the alarm settings of the ADC.
When the ADC bypass is unused, set the ADC_BYP.DATA to 000h.
Figure 7-11 shows the ADC bypass data flow.