SWRS314B January   2024  – December 2024 AWR2544


  1.   1
  2. Features
  3. Applications
  4. Description
    1. 3.1 Functional Block Diagram
  5. Device Comparison
  6. Related Products
  7. Pin Configurations and Functions
    1. 6.1 Pin Diagram
    2. 6.2 Pin Attributes
    3. 6.3 Signal Descriptions - Digital
    4. 6.4 Signal Descriptions - Analog
  8. Specifications
    1. 7.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 7.3  Power-On Hours (POH)
    4. 7.4  Recommended Operating Conditions
    5. 7.5  VPP Specifications for One-Time Programmable (OTP) eFuses
      1. 7.5.1 Recommended Operating Conditions for OTP eFuse Programming
      2. 7.5.2 Hardware Requirements
      3. 7.5.3 Impact to Your Hardware Warranty
    6. 7.6  Power Supply Specifications
    7. 7.7  Power Consumption Summary
    8. 7.8  RF Specifications
    9. 7.9  Thermal Resistance Characteristics
    10. 7.10 Power Supply Sequencing and Reset Timing
    11. 7.11 Input Clocks and Oscillators
      1. 7.11.1 Clock Specifications
    12. 7.12 Peripheral Information
      1. 7.12.1 QSPI Flash Memory Peripheral
        1. QSPI Timing Conditions
        2. QSPI Timing Requirements #GUID-C38B9713-DC57-4B3B-8AFF-A79AF70E5A5A/GUID-97D19708-D87E-443B-9ADF-1760CFEF6F4C #GUID-C38B9713-DC57-4B3B-8AFF-A79AF70E5A5A/GUID-0A61EEC9-2B95-4C27-B219-18D27C8F9430
        3. QSPI Switching Characteristics #GUID-D1480E86-4079-4A44-A68A-26C2D9F4506B/T4362547-64 #GUID-D1480E86-4079-4A44-A68A-26C2D9F4506B/T4362547-65
      2. 7.12.2 Multibuffered / Standard Serial Peripheral Interface (MibSPI)
        1. MibSPI Peripheral Description
        2. MibSPI Transmit and Receive RAM Organization
          1. SPI Timing Conditions
          2. SPI Controller Mode Switching Parameters (CLOCK PHASE = 0, SPICLK = output, SPISIMO = output, and SPISOMI = input) #GUID-3DD8619F-41DB-47CF-9AF7-5916CFF97E61/T4362547-236 #GUID-3DD8619F-41DB-47CF-9AF7-5916CFF97E61/T4362547-237 #GUID-3DD8619F-41DB-47CF-9AF7-5916CFF97E61/T4362547-238
          3. SPI Controller Mode Switching Parameters (CLOCK PHASE = 1, SPICLK = output, SPISIMO = output, and SPISOMI = input) #GUID-220CE6B8-D17E-48AF-BF69-AAEC97D55C95/T4362547-244 #GUID-220CE6B8-D17E-48AF-BF69-AAEC97D55C95/T4362547-245 #GUID-220CE6B8-D17E-48AF-BF69-AAEC97D55C95/T4362547-246
        3. SPI Peripheral Mode I/O Timings
          1. SPI Peripheral Mode Switching Parameters (SPICLK = input, SPISIMO = input, and SPISOMI = output) #GUID-BF2B230C-8F03-4C6A-A240-6DFD0CEC87C8/T4362547-70 #GUID-BF2B230C-8F03-4C6A-A240-6DFD0CEC87C8/T4362547-71 #GUID-BF2B230C-8F03-4C6A-A240-6DFD0CEC87C8/T4362547-73
      3. 7.12.3 Ethernet Switch (RGMII/RMII/MII) Peripheral
        1.  RGMII/RMII/MII Timing Conditions
        2.  RGMII Transmit Clock Switching Characteristics
        3.  RGMII Transmit Data and Control Switching Characteristics
        4.  RGMII Receive Clock Timing Requirements
        5.  RGMII RX and TX Timing Diagrams
        6.  RGMII Receive Data and Control Timing Requirements
        7.  RMII Transmit Clock Switching Characteristics
        8.  RMII Transmit Data and Control Switching Characteristics
        9.  RMII Receive Clock Timing Requirements
        10. RMII Receive Data and Control Timing Requirements
        11. MII Transmit Switching Characteristics
        12. MII Receive Clock Timing Requirements
        13. MII Receive Timing Requirements
        14. MII Transmit Clock Timing Requirements
        15. MDIO Interface Timings
      4. 7.12.4 LVDS Instrumentation and Measurement Peripheral
        1. LVDS Interface Configuration
        2. LVDS Interface Timings
      5. 7.12.5 UART Peripheral
        1. SCI Timing Requirements
      6. 7.12.6 Inter-Integrated Circuit Interface (I2C)
        1. I2C Timing Requirements #GUID-5F6D5D17-1161-44B3-ABD1-283215937B93/T4362547-185
      7. 7.12.7 Enhanced Pulse-Width Modulator (ePWM)
      8. 7.12.8 General-Purpose Input/Output
        1. Switching Characteristics for Output Timing versus Load Capacitance (CL) #GUID-918A19D2-41ED-481C-96AE-E1C69B8B3446/T4362547-45 #GUID-918A19D2-41ED-481C-96AE-E1C69B8B3446/T4362547-50
    13. 7.13 Emulation and Debug
      1. 7.13.1 Emulation and Debug Description
      2. 7.13.2 JTAG Interface
        1. Timing Requirements for IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
        2. Switching Characteristics for IEEE 1149.1 JTAG
      3. 7.13.3 ETM Trace Interface
        1. ETM TRACE Timing Requirements
        2. ETM TRACE Switching Characteristics
  9. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Overview
    2. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 8.3 Subsystems
      1. 8.3.1 RF and Analog Subsystem
        1. RF Clock Subsystem
        2. Transmit Subsystem
        3. Receive Subsystem
      2. 8.3.2 Processor Subsystem
      3. 8.3.3 Automotive Interfaces
    4. 8.4 Other Subsystems
      1. 8.4.1 Hardware Accelerator Subsystem
      2. 8.4.2 Security – Hardware Security Module
      3. 8.4.3 ADC Channels (Service) for User Application
  10. Monitoring and Diagnostics
    1. 9.1 Monitoring and Diagnostic Mechanisms
  11. 10Applications, Implementation, and Layout
    1. 10.1 Application Information
    2. 10.2 Short and Medium Range Radar
    3. 10.3 Reference Schematic
  12. 11Device and Documentation Support
    1. 11.1 Device Support
    2. 11.2 Device Nomenclature
    3. 11.3 Tools and Software
    4. 11.4 Documentation support
    5. 11.5 Support Resources
    6. 11.6 Trademarks
    7. 11.7 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
    8. 11.8 Glossary
  13. 12Revision History
  14. 13Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

Package Options

Mechanical Data (Package|Pins)
  • AMQ|248
Thermal pad, mechanical data (Package|Pins)
Orderable Information

Monitoring and Diagnostic Mechanisms

Table 9-1 is a list of the main monitoring and diagnostic mechanisms available in the device.

Table 9-1 Monitoring and Diagnostic Mechanisms for AWR2544
Lockstep operation of MSS R5F CoreDevice architecture supports lockstep operation of the MSS R5F core that is the operating core in the Main subsystem that is provisioned as the safety island in the device.
Boot time LBIST For MSS R5F Core and associated VIMDevice architecture supports hardware logic BIST (LBIST) engine self-test Controller (STC). This logic is used to provide a very high diagnostic coverage (>90%) on the MSS R5F CPU core and Vectored Interrupt Module (VIM) at a transistor level.
LBIST for the CPU and VIM need to be triggered by application code before starting the functional safety application. A reset of the CPU is initiated at the end of the STC operation and the reset cause register captures the status of reset. The STC registers can then be read out to identify the status of the STC execution to determine if there were any errors. CPU stays there in while loop and does not proceed further if a fault is identified.
There can be a fault injection test also performed which leads to a reset of the CPU with the error status signaled in the STC registers.
Boot time PBIST for MSS R5F MemoriesMSS R5F has tightly coupled memories (TCM) Level 1 (L1) memories TCMA, TCMB0 and TCMB1 as well as the level 2 (L2) memories. Device architecture supports a hardware programmable memory BIST (PBIST) engine. This logic is used to provide a very high diagnostic coverage (March-13n) on the implemented MSS R5F TCMs at a transistor level.
PBIST for L1 and L2 memories is triggered by the bootloader at the boot time before starting download of application from flash or a peripheral interface. The CPU is in a while loop and does not proceed further if a fault is identified.
End to End ECC for MSS R5F Memories

The TCMs and L2 memory diagnostic support a single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) ECC diagnostic. For L2 memory, an 8-bit code word is used to store the ECC data as calculated over the 64-bit data bus. For TCMs, a 7-bit code word is used to store the ECC data for a 32-bit data bus. ECC evaluation for TCMs is done by the ECC control logic inside the CPU. This scheme provides end-to-end diagnostics on the transmissions between CPU and TCM. CPU can be configured to have predetermined response (ignore or abort generation) to single and double bit error conditions.

MSS R5F bit multiplexingLogical TCM and L2 memory word and the associated ECC code is split and stored in two physical SRAM banks. This scheme provides an inherent diagnostic mechanism for address decode failures in the physical SRAM banks. Faults in the bank addressing are detected by the CPU as an ECC fault.
Further, bit multiplexing scheme is implemented such that the bits accessed to generate a logical (CPU) word are not physically adjacent. This scheme helps to reduce the probability of physical multi-bit faults resulting in logical multi-bit faults; rather the faults manifest as multiple single bit faults. As the SECDED TCM ECC can correct a single bit fault in a logical word, this scheme improves the usefulness of the TCM ECC diagnostic.
Both these features are hardware features and cannot be enabled or disabled by application software.
Clock MonitorDevice architecture supports four digital clock comparators (EDCCs) and an internal RCOSC. Dual functionality is provided by these modules – clock detection and clock monitoring.
EDCCA is dedicated for ADPLL/APLL lock detection monitoring, comparing the ADPLL/APLL output divided version with the Reference input clock of the device. Failure detection for EDCCA can be programmed to cause the device to go into limp mode.
Additionally, there is a provision to feed an external reference clock to monitor the internal clock using the EDCCA.
EDCCB, EDCCC, EDCCD module is one which is available for user software. Any two clocks can be compared. One example is to compare the CPU clock with the reference or internal RCOSC clock source. Failure detection is indicated to the MSS R5F CPU through the Error Signaling Module (ESM).
RTI/WDT for MSS R5FDevice architecture supports the use of an internal watchdog that is implemented in the real-time interrupt (RTI) module. The internal watchdog has two modes of operation: digital watchdog (DWD) and digital windowed watchdog (DWWD). The modes of operation are mutually exclusive; the designer can elect to use one mode or the other but not both at the same time.
Watchdog can issue either an internal (warm) system reset or a CPU non-mask able interrupt upon detection of a failure.
The Watchdog is enabled by the bootloader in DWD mode at boot time to track the boot process. When the application code takes control, the watchdog can be configured again for the mode and timings based on the application requirements.
MPU for MSS R5FThe Cortex-R5F CPU includes an MPU. The MPU logic can be used to provide spatial separation of software tasks in the device memory. The Cortex-R5F MPU supports 16 regions. The operating system controls the MPU and changes the MPU settings based on the needs of each task. A violation of a configured memory protection policy results in a CPU abort.
PBIST for Peripheral interface SRAMs - SPI, Ethernet, EDMA, MailboxDevice architecture supports a hardware programmable memory BIST (PBIST) engine for Peripheral SRAMs as well.
PBIST for peripheral SRAM memories can be triggered by the application. User can elect to run the PBIST on one SRAM or on groups of SRAMs based on the execution time, which can be allocated to the PBIST diagnostic. The PBIST tests are destructive to memory contents, and as such are typically run only at boot time. However, the user has the freedom to initiate the tests at any time if peripheral communication can be hindered.
Any fault detected by the PBIST results in an error indicated in PBIST status registers.
ECC for Peripheral interface SRAMs – SPI, Ethernet, EDMA, MailboxPeripheral interface SRAMs diagnostic is supported by Single error correction double error detection (SECDED) ECC diagnostic. When a single or double bit error is detected, the MSS R5F is notified via ESM (Error Signaling Module). This feature is disabled after reset.
Software must configure and enable this feature in the peripheral and ESM module. ECC failure (both single bit corrected and double bit uncorrectable error conditions) is reported to the MSS R5F as an interrupt via ESM module.
Configuration registers protection for Main SS peripheralsAll the Main SS peripherals (SPI, Ethernet, I2C, DMAs, RTI/WD, DCCs, EDMA, IOMUX etc.) are connected to interconnect via Peripheral Central resource (PCR). This provides two diagnostic mechanisms that can limit access to peripherals. Peripherals can be clock gated per peripheral chip select in the PCR. This can be utilized to disable unused features such that the features cannot interfere. In addition, each peripheral chip select can be programmed to limit access based on privilege level of transaction. This feature can be used to limit access to entire peripherals to privileged operating system code only.
These diagnostic mechanisms are disabled after reset. Software must configure and enable these mechanisms. Protection violation also generates an error that result in abort to MSS R5F or error response to other hosts such as DMAs.
Cyclic Redundancy Check–Main SSDevice architecture supports hardware CRC engine on Main SS implementing the below polynomials.
  • CRC16 CCITT – 0x10
  • CRC32 Ethernet – 0x04C11DB7
  • CRC64
  • CRC 32C – CASTAGNOLI – 0x1EDC6F4
The read operation of the SRAM contents to the CRC can be done by CPU or by DMA. The comparison of results, indication of fault, and fault response are the responsibility of the software managing the test.
MPUDevice architecture supports MPUs on certain peripheral ports in the Main SS that include L2 Memory, PCR peripheral access, QSPI access, R5F AXI-peripheral access. This allows configuring access permissions to these key regions in the Main SS.
By default, this control resides with the HSM.
MPU for DMAsDevice architecture supports MPUs on Main SS EDMAs. EDMAs also includes MPUs on both read and writes host ports. EDMA MPUs supports 8 regions. Failure detection by MPU is reported to the core as an interrupt via local ESM.
Interconnect ECCDevice architecture supports hardware based ECC protection mechanisms for transfers over the system interconnect. Since code execution includes instruction fetches from memories hosted on the interconnect, the transfers over the interconnect are designed to be safe by a combination of ECC and redundancy based mechanisms. Any failures detected in the transfers are reported over the ESM interface. This mechanism is enabled by default in HW, for R5F CPU SS only.
Error Signaling ModuleWhen a diagnostic detects a fault, the error must be indicated. The Device architecture provides aggregation of fault indication from internal monitoring/diagnostic mechanisms using a peripheral logic known as the Error Signaling Module (ESM). The ESM provides mechanisms to classify errors by severity and to provide programmable error response.
ESM module is configured by customer application code and specific error signals can be enabled or masked to generate an interrupt (Low/High priority) for the MSS R5F CPU.
Device supports Nerror output signal (IO) which can be monitored externally to identify any kind of high severity faults in the design which are not be handled by the R5F.
Temperature SensorDevice architecture supports various temperature sensors at temperature hotspots in digital across the device that can be monitored by the application using an internal GPADC channel.
Voltage MonitorsDevice architecture supports monitoring the supply rails connected to the chip, in conjunction with external voltage monitors.
NOTE: BIST is handled by the TI firmware. Refer to the mmWave Interface Control Document (as a part of mmWave-MCUPLUS-SDK package) and safety manual for information on safety mechanisms.
Note: Refer to the Device Safety Manual or other relevant collaterals for more details on applicability of all diagnostics mechanisms.