SLUS937C December 2009 – December 2019 BQ24072T , BQ24075T , BQ24079T
When VIN exceeds the UVLO threshold, the BQ2407xT powers up. While VIN is below VBAT + VIN(DT), the host commands at the control inputs (CE, EN1 and EN2) are ignored. The Q1 FET connected between IN and OUT pins is off, and the status outputs CHG and PGOOD are high impedance. The Q2 FET that connects BAT to OUT is ON. (If SYSOFF is high, Q2 is off). During this mode, the VOUT(SC2) circuitry is active and monitors for overload conditions on OUT.
Once VIN rises above VBAT + VIN(DT), PGOOD is driven low to indicate the valid power status and the CE, EN1, and EN2 inputs are read. The device enters standby mode if (EN1 = EN2 = HI) or if an input overvoltage condition occurs. In standby mode, Q1 is OFF and Q2 is ON so OUT is connected to the battery input. (If SYSOFF is high, FET Q2 is off). During this mode, the VOUT(SC2) circuitry is active and monitors for overload conditions on OUT.
When the input voltage at IN is within the valid range: VIN > UVLO AND VIN > VBAT + VIN(DT)AND VIN < VOVP, and the EN1 and EN2 pins indicate that the USB suspend mode is not enabled [(EN1, EN2) ≠ (HI, HI)] all internal timers and other circuit blocks are activated. The device then checks for short-circuits at the ISET and ILIM pins. If no short conditions exists, the device switches on the input FET Q1 with a 100mA current limit to checks for a short circuit at OUT. When VOUT is above VSC, the FET Q1 switches to the current limit threshold set by EN1, EN2 and RILIM and the device enters into the normal operation. During normal operation, the system is powered by the input source (Q1 is regulating), and the device continuously monitors the status of CE, EN1 and EN2 as well as the input voltage conditions.