The bq2510x series of devices are highly integrated Li-Ion and Li-Pol linear chargers targeted at space-limited portable applications. The high input voltage range with input overvoltage protection supports low-cost unregulated adapters.
The bq2510x has a single power output that charges the battery. A system load can be placed in parallel with the battery as long as the average system load does not keep the battery from charging fully during the 10 hour safety timer.
The battery is charged in three phases: conditioning, constant current and constant voltage. In all charge phases, an internal control loop monitors the IC junction temperature and reduces the charge current if an internal temperature threshold is exceeded.
The charger power stage and charge current sense functions are fully integrated. The charger function has high accuracy current and voltage regulation loops and charge termination. The pre-charge current and termination current threshold are programmed via an external resistor on the bq2510x. The fast charge current value is also programmable via an external resistor.
bq25100 | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25101 | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100A | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100H | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25101H | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
bq25100L(2) | DSBGA (6) | 1.60 mm × 0.90 mm |
Changes from B Revision (October 2014) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (September 2014) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (August 2014) to A Revision
bq25100 | 4.20 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS (JEITA) |
bq25101 | 4.20 V | 6.5 V | CHG | TS (JEITA) |
bq25100A | 4.30 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS |
bq25100H | 4.35 V | 6.5 V | PreTerm | TS (JEITA) |
bq25101H | 4.35 V | 6.5 V | CHG | TS (JEITA) |
bq25100L(1) | 4.06 V | 6.5V | PreTerm | TS |
CHG | C1(1) | Low (FET on) indicates charging and open drain (FET off) indicates no charging or the first charge cycle complete. | |
IN | A2 | I | Input power, connected to external DC supply (AC adapter or USB port). Expected range of bypass capacitors 1 μF to 10 μF, connect from IN to VSS. |
ISET | B2 | I | Programs the fast-charge current setting. External resistor from ISET to VSS defines fast charge current value. Recommended range is 13.5 kΩ (10 mA) to 0.54 kΩ (250 mA). |
OUT | A1 | O | Battery Connection. System Load may be connected. Expected range of bypass capacitors 1 μF to 10 μF. |
PRE-TERM | C1(1) | I | Programs the current termination threshold ( 1% to 50% of Iout, 1mA minimum). The pre-charge current is twice the termination current level. |
Expected range of programming resistor is 600 Ω to 30 kΩ (6k: Ichg/10 for term; Ichg/5 for precharge) | |||
TS | B1 | I | Temperature sense pin connected to 10k at 25°C NTC thermistor, in the battery pack. Floating TS pin or pulling high puts part in TTDM “Charger” mode and disables TS monitoring, Timers and Termination. Pulling pin low disables the IC. If NTC sensing is not needed, connect this pin to VSS through an external 10-kΩ resistor. A 250-kΩ resistor from TS to ground will prevent IC entering TTDM mode when battery with thermistor is removed. |
VSS | C2 | – | Ground pin |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||||
Input voltage | IN (with respect to VSS) | –0.3 | 30 | V | ||
OUT (with respect to VSS) | –0.3 | 7 | V | |||
(with respect to VSS) |
–0.3 | 7 | V | |||
Input current | IN | 300 | mA | |||
Output current (continuous) | OUT | 300 | mA | |||
Output sink current | CHG | 15 | mA | |||
TJ | Junction temperature | –40 | 150 | °C |
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||||
ESD | Electrostatic discharge (IEC61000-4-2)(1) | IN, OUT, TS | 1 µF between IN and GND, 1 µF between TS and GND, 2 µF between OUT and GND, x5R Ceramic or equivalent |
8 contact 15 Air |
kV | |
TSTG | Storage temperature | –65 | 150 | °C |
MIN | NOM | UNIT | ||
VIN | IN voltage range | 3.5 | 28 | V |
IN operating voltage range, Restricted by VDPM and VOVP | 4.45 | 6.45 | V | |
IIN | Input current, IN pin | 250 | mA | |
IOUT | Current, OUT pin | 250 | mA | |
TJ | Junction temperature | 0 | 125 | °C |
RPRE-TERM | Programs precharge and termination current thresholds | 0.6 | 30 | kΩ |
RISET | Fast-charge current programming resistor | 0.54 | 13.5 | kΩ |
RTS | 10k NTC thermistor range without entering BAT_EN or TTDM | 1.66 | 258 | kΩ |
THERMAL METRIC(1) | bq25100 | UNIT | |
YFP (6 PINS) | |||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 132.9 | °C/W |
RθJCtop | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 1.3 | |
RθJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 21.8 | |
ψJT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 5.6 | |
ψJB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 21.8 | |
RθJCbot | Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance | n/a |
INPUT | ||||||
UVLO | Undervoltage lock-out exit | VIN: 0 V → 4 V | 3.15 | 3.3 | 3.45 | V |
VHYS_UVLO | Hysteresis on VUVLO_RISE falling | VIN: 4 V→0 V; VUVLO_FALL = VUVLO_RISE – VHYS-UVLO |
250 | mV | ||
VIN-DT | Input power good detection threshold is VOUT + VIN-DT | Input power good if VIN > VOUT + VIN-DT; VOUT = 3.6 V; VIN: 3.5 V → 4 V |
15 | 60 | 130 | mV |
VHYS-INDT | Hysteresis on VIN-DT falling | VOUT = 3.6 V; VIN: 4 V → 3.5 V | 31 | mV | ||
tDGL(PG_PWR) | Deglitch time on exiting sleep | Time measured from VIN: 0 V → 5 V 1-μs rise-time to charge enables; VOUT = 3.6 V | 29 | ms | ||
tDGL(PG_NO-PWR) | Deglitch time on VHYS-INDT power down. Same as entering sleep. | Time measured from VIN: 5 V → 3.2 V 1-μs fall-time to charge disables; VOUT = 3.6 V | 29 | ms | ||
VOVP | Input over-voltage protection threshold | VIN: 5 V → 12 V | 6.52 | 6.67 | 6.82 | V |
tDGL(OVP-SET) | Input over-voltage blanking time | VIN: 5 V → 12 V | 113 | μs | ||
VHYS-OVP | Hysteresis on OVP | VIN: 11 V → 5 V | 110 | mV | ||
tDGL(OVP-REC) | Deglitch time exiting OVP | Time measured from VIN: 12 V → 5 V 1-μs fall-time to charge enables | 450 | μs | ||
VIN-DPM | Low input voltage protection. Restricts lout at VIN-DPM | Limit input source current to 50 mA; VOUT = 3.5 V; RISET = 1.35 kΩ |
4.25 | 4.31 | 4.37 | V |
RISET_SHORT | Highest resistor value considered a fault (short). | RISET: 540 Ω → 250 Ω, Iout latches off; Cycle power to reset |
420 | 450 | Ω | |
tDGL_SHORT | Deglitch time transition from ISET short to Iout disable | Clear fault by disconnecting IN or cycling (high / low) TS/BAT_EN | 1 | ms | ||
IOUT_CL | Maximum OUT current limit regulation (Clamp) | VIN = 5 V; VOUT = 3.6 V; RISET: 540 Ω → 250 Ω; IOUT latches off after tDGL-SHORT | 550 | 600 | 650 | mA |
VOUT(SC) | OUT pin short-circuit detection threshold/ precharge threshold | VOUT:3 V → 0.5 V; No deglitch | 0.75 | 0.8 | 0.85 | V |
VOUT(SC-HYS) | OUT pin Short hysteresis | Recovery ≥ VOUT(SC) + VOUT(SC-HYS); Rising; No deglitch | 77 | mV | ||
IOUT(SC) | Source current to OUT pin during short-circuit detection | 9 | 11 | 13 | mA | |
IOUT(PDWN) | Battery current into OUT pin | VIN = 0 V; 0°C to 125°C | 75 | nA | ||
VIN = 0 V; 0°C to 85°C | 50 | |||||
IOUT(DONE) | OUT pin current, charging terminated | VIN = 6 V; VOUT > VOUT(REG) | 6 | μA | ||
IIN(STDBY) | Standby current into IN pin | TS = GND; VIN ≤ 6 V | 125 | μA | ||
ICC | Active supply current, IN pin | TS = open, VIN = 6 V; TTDM – no load on OUT pin; VOUT > VOUT(REG); IC enabled |
0.75 | 1 | mA | |
VOUT(REG) | Output voltage | TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100/101) |
4.16 | 4.2 | 4.23 | V |
TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100A) |
4.26 | 4.3 | 4.33 | |||
TJ = 0°C to 125°C; IOUT = 0 mA to 250 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100H/101H) |
4.31 | 4.35 | 4.38 | |||
TJ = -5°C to 55°C; IOUT = 10mA to 75 mA; VIN = 5.0 V; VTS-45°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-0°C (bq25100A) |
4.275 | 4.3 | 4.325 | |||
VO_HT(REG) | Battery hot regulation voltage | VIN = 5.0 V; IOUT =10 mA to 250 mA; VTS-60°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-45°C (bq25100/101) |
4.02 | 4.06 | 4.1 | V |
VIN = 5.0 V; IOUT =10 mA to 250 mA; VTS-60°C≤ VTS ≤ VTS-45°C (bq25100H/101H) |
4.16 | 4.2 | 4.24 | |||
IOUT(RANGE) | Programmed output “fast charge” current range | VOUT(REG) > VOUT > VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RISET = 0.54 kΩ to 13.5 kΩ |
10 | 250 | mA | |
VDO(IN-OUT) | Drop-Out, VIN – VOUT | Adjust VIN down until IOUT = 0.2 A; VOUT = 4.15 V; RISET = 680 Ω; TJ ≤ 100°C | 220 | 400 | mV | |
IOUT | Output “fast charge” formula | VOUT(REG) > VOUT > VLOWV; VIN = 5 V | KISET/RISET | A | ||
KISET | Fast charge current factor | RISET = KISET /IOUT; 20 < IOUT < 250 mA | 129 | 135 | 145 | AΩ |
RISET = KISET /IOUT; 5 < IOUT < 20 mA | 125 | 135 | 145 | |||
VLOWV | Pre-charge to fast-charge transition threshold | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 | V | |
tDGL1(LOWV) | Deglitch time on pre-charge to fast-charge transition | 57 | μs | |||
tDGL2(LOWV) | Deglitch time on fast-charge to pre-charge transition | 32 | ms | |||
IPRE-TERM | Refer to the Termination Section | |||||
%PRECHG | Pre-charge current, default setting | VOUT < VLOWV; RISET = 2.7 kΩ; RPRE-TERM= High Z or for BQ25101/101H | 18 | 20 | 22 | %IOUT-CC |
Pre-charge current formula | RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG (Ω/%) × %PRE-CHG (%) | RPRE-TERM/KPRE-CHG% | ||||
KPRE-CHG | % Pre-charge Factor | VOUT < VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ to 30 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG × %IPRE-CHG, where %IPRE-CHG is 20 to 100% |
280 | 300 | 320 | Ω/% |
VOUT < VLOWV; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 3 kΩ to 6 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = KPRE-CHG × %IPRE-CHG, where %IPRE-CHG is 10% to 20% |
265 | 300 | 340 | Ω/% | ||
%TERM | Termination threshold current, default setting | VOUT > VRCH; RISET = 2.7 kΩ; RPRE-TERM = High Z or for BQ25101/101H | 9 | 10 | 11 | %IOUT-CC |
Termination current threshold formula | RPRE-TERM = KTERM (Ω/%) × %TERM (%) | RPRE-TERM/ KTERM | ||||
KTERM | % Term factor | VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ to 30 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM=KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 10 to 50% |
575 | 600 | 640 | Ω/% |
VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 3 kΩ to 6 kΩ ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM= KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 5 to 10% |
555 | 620 | 685 | |||
VOUT > VRCH; VIN = 5 V; RPRE-TERM = 750 Ω to 3 kΩ; RISET = 1.8 kΩ, RPRE-TERM= KTERM × %ITERM, where %ITERM is 1.25% to 5% |
352 | 680 | 1001 | |||
IPRE-TERM | Current for programming the term. and pre-chg with resistor, ITerm-Start is the initial PRE-TERM current | RPRE-TERM = 6 kΩ; VOUT = 4.15 V | 23 | 25 | 27 | μA |
ITERM | Termination current range | Minimum absolute termination current | 1 | mA | ||
%TERM | Termination current formula | RTERM/ KTERM | % | |||
tDGL(TERM) | Deglitch time, termination detected | 29 | ms | |||
VRCH | Recharge detection threshold – normal temp | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT: 4.25 V → VRCH (bq25100); VOUT: 4.35 V → VRCH (bq25100A); VOUT: 4.40 V → VRCH (bq25100H) |
–0.125 |
VO(REG)–0.095 | VO(REG)–0.075 | V |
Recharge detection threshold – hot temp | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.2 V; VOUT: 4.15 V → VRCH (bq25100); VOUT: 4.25 V → VRCH (bq25100H) |
–0.130 |
–0.105 |
–0.080 |
V | |
tDGL1(RCH) | Deglitch time, recharge threshold detected | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT: 4.25 V → 3.5V in 1 μs; tDGL(RCH) is time to ISET ramp |
29 | ms | ||
tDGL2(RCH) | Deglitch time, recharge threshold detected in OUT-Detect Mode | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; VOUT = 3.5 V inserted; tDGL(RCH) is time to ISET ramp |
29 | ms | ||
BATTERY DETECT ROUTINE – (NOTE: In Hot mode VO(REG) becomes VO_HT(REG)) | ||||||
VREG-BD | VOUT reduced regulation during battery detect | bq25100/101/bq25100H/101H; VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V, Battery absent |
VO(REG)-0.450 | VO(REG)-0.400 | VO(REG)-0.350 | V |
bq25100A; VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent |
VO(REG)-0.550 | VO(REG)-0.500 | VO(REG)-0.450 | |||
IBD-SINK | Sink current during VREG-BD | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | 2 | mA | ||
tDGL(HI/LOW REG) | Regulation time at VREG or VREG-BD | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | 25 | ms | ||
VBD-HI | High battery detection threshold | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | VO(REG) -0.150 | VO(REG)-0.100 | VO(REG)-0.050 | V |
VBD-LO | Low battery detection threshold | VIN = 5 V; VTS = 0.5 V; Battery absent | VREG-BD
+0.05 |
+0.15 |
V |
tPRECHG | Pre-charge safety timer value | Restarts when entering pre-charge; Always enabled when in pre-charge. |
1700 | 1940 | 2250 | s |
tMAXCH | Charge safety timer value | Clears fault or resets at UVLO, TS disable, OUT Short, exiting LOWV and Refresh | 34000 | 38800 | 45000 | s |
BATTERY-PACK NTC MONITOR (see Note 1); TS pin: 10k NTC | ||||||
INTC-10k | NTC bias current | VTS = 0.3 V | 48.5 | 50.5 | 52.5 | μA |
INTC-DIS-10k | 10k NTC bias current when charging is disabled | VTS = 0 V | 27 | 30 | 33 | μA |
INTC-FLDBK-10k | INTC is reduced prior to entering TTDM to keep cold thermistor from entering TTDM | VTS: Set to 1.525 V | 4 | 5 | 6.5 | μA |
VTTDM(TS) | Termination and timer disable mode Threshold – Enter | VTS: 0.5 V → 1.7 V; Timer held in reset | 1550 | 1600 | 1650 | mV |
VHYS-TTDM(TS) | Hysteresis exiting TTDM | VTS: 1.7 V → 0.5 V; Timer enabled | 100 | mV | ||
VCLAMP(TS) | TS maximum voltage clamp | VTS = Open (float) | 1900 | 1950 | 2000 | mV |
tDGL(TTDM) | Deglitch exit TTDM between states | 57 | ms | |||
Deglitch enter TTDM between states | 8 | μs | ||||
VTS_I-FLDBK | TS voltage where INTC is reduce to keep thermistor from entering TTDM | INTC adjustment (90 to 10%; 45 to 6.6 uA) takes place near this spec threshold; VTS: 1.425 V → 1.525 V |
1475 | mV | ||
CTS | Optional capacitance – ESD | 0.22 | μF | |||
VTS-0°C | Low temperature CHG pending | Low temp charging to pending; VTS: 1 V → 1.5 V |
1230 | 1255 | 1280 | mV |
VHYS-0°C | Hysteresis | At 0°C; Charge pending to low temp charging; VTS: 1.5 V → 1 V |
100 | mV | ||
VTS-10°C | Low temperature, half charge | Normal charging to low temp charging; VTS: 0.5 V → 1 V |
775 | 800 | 830 | mV |
VHYS-10°C | Hysteresis | At 10°C; Low temp charging to normal CHG; VTS: 1 V → 0.5 V |
55 | mV | ||
VTS-45°C | High temperature | At 4.1V (bq25100/101) or 4.2V (bq25100H/101H); Normal charging to high temp CHG; VTS: 0.5 V → 0.2 V |
253 | 268 | 283 | mV |
VHYS-45°C | Hysteresis | At 45°C; High temp charging to normal CHG; VTS: 0.2 V → 0.5 V |
20 | mV | ||
VTS-60°C | High temperature disable | bq25100/01/100H/101H/100L; High temp charge to pending; VTS: 0.2 V → 0.1 V |
160 | 170 | 180 | mV |
VHYS-60°C | Hysteresis | At 60°C (bq25100/01/100H/101H/100L); Charge pending to high temp CHG; VTS: 0.1 V → 0.2 V |
20 | mV | ||
tDGL(TS_10C) | Deglitch for TS thresholds: 10C | Normal to cold operation; VTS: 0.6 V → 1 V | 50 | ms | ||
Cold to normal operation; VTS: 1 V → 0.6 V | 12 | |||||
tDGL(TS) | Deglitch for TS thresholds: 0/45/60C | Battery charging | 30 | ms | ||
VTS-EN-10k | Charge enable threshold, (10k NTC) | VTS: 0 V → 0.175 V | 84 | 92 | 100 | mV |
VTS-DIS_HYS-10k | HYS below VTS-EN-10k to disable, (10k NTC) | VTS: 0.125 V → 0 V | 12 | mV | ||
TJ(REG) | Temperature regulation limit | 125 | °C | |||
TJ(OFF) | Thermal shutdown temperature | 155 | °C | |||
TJ(OFF-HYS) | Thermal shutdown hysteresis | 20 | °C | |||
VOL | Output low voltage | ISINK = 5 mA | 0.4 | V | ||
ILEAK | Leakage current into IC | VCHG = 5 V | 1 | μA |
No Battery, No Load | ||
VIN 0 V -5 V-7 V-5 V | ||
VIN Regulated | ||
No Load | ||
20-Ω resistor at OUT, No input, VBAT = 3.7 V | ||
Hot Plug | ||
20-Ω resistor at OUT, No input, VBAT = 3.7 V | ||
90-mA Load, 120-mA ICHG | ||
bq25100 charge cycle, ICHG = 75 mA, VBAT_REG = 4.2 V | ||