SLUSF40 October 2024 BQ25190
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
GPIO3 can be configured to function as Buck EN pin, open-drain output, push-pull output, sequencer output, level-sensitive input, positive-edge/negative-edge trigger input based on different I2C settings.
To set GPIO3 as the Buck EN pin, BUCK_EN_SET should be set to b110 and GPIO3_CONFIG needs to be set to b1000.
If GPIO3_CONFIG = b0010, GPIO3 is configured as the VSEL/VSEL1 pin to support Buck GPIO DVS function. When GPIO3 is configured to be VSEL pin or VSEL1 pin, it's High/Low state is read to determine the which voltage setting to be used for Buck.
If GPIO3 is set to be in forced open-drain high state, it is in a HIGH-Z state. If GPIO3 is set to be in forced low state, it is pulled down to GND. If GPIO3 is set to be in forced push-pull high state, it is pulled up to VPU.
If GPIO3 is set to operate as a sequencer output, it is pulled up to VPU or pulled down to GND at the corresponding time instances during power-up/power-down sequence.
If GPIO3 is configured to be in input mode, its current state is readable with the GPIO3_STAT bit. As a positive-edge/negative-edge trigger input, the GPIO3_FLAG will be set when a trigger event happens and a 128μs pulse is sent through the INT pin to notify the host.