SLUSF40A October 2024 – December 2024 BQ25190
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
When a valid adapter is connected to the device, the device detects if the SYS pin is shorted. If VSYS <VSYS_SHORT, SYS short fault protection is implemented to turn off the input FET for ~200μs and turn it back ON for 5 ms for SYS to rise above VSYS_SHORTZ. If after 10 tries, the SYS short still persists, the device will not turn on input FETs for 2s and 10-retry counter is reset while BATFET is turned on (if VBAT>VBATDEPL) to power SYS. SYS_SHORT_FAULT_STAT and SYS_SHORT_FAULT_FLAG are set to 1 with interrupt signal being sent if not masked by SYS_SHORT_FAULT_MASK. After 2s, SYS_SHORT_FAULT_STAT is reset to 0 and the device will turn on the input FET for 5 ms and retry 10 times if necessary until the SYS rises above VSYS_SHORTZ.