SLUSF40 October 2024 BQ25190
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
There are two programmable short button press timers, tWAKE1 and tWAKE2. There are no specific actions taken by the tWAKE1 or tWAKE2 durations other than issuing an interrupt (if not masked) and updating the WAKE1_FLAG or WAKE2_FLAG registers. For a wake from ship mode event, the push button (MR pin) has to be low for tSHIPWAKE with VBAT>VBUVLO before it can turn ON the SYS rail.
In the case where an input source (VIN > VIN_UVLO) is connected prior to tSHIPWAKE timer expiring, the device will exit the Ship mode regardless of the MR pin or wake timer state.