SLUSE64 May 2021 BQ25723
For a recognized input adapter, IINDPM can be configured precisely to prevent adapter collapasing. When a third party unknown adapter is used, then input voltage regulation (VINDPM) feature can be leveraged to prevent input crash. With the increasing of input current, voltage drops along the input cable also increases and voltage measured it charger input port decreases accordingly. VINDPM feature can limit input power from adapter by regulating VBUS at certain value configured at InputVoltage register(0x0Bh/0Ah[]). However, the adapter may still overheat when it is kept running at its voltage limit for a long period of time. Therefore, it is preferred to operate the third party adapter slightly under its current rating. The Input Current Optimizer (ICO) feature can automatically maximize the power of unknown input adapter without continuously working under VINDPM. Note the ICO feature can only be employed when the adapter input current limit is at least 500 mA. Please contact factory for more detail information about ICO feature.