Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The BQ25751 is a wide input voltage, switched-mode buck-boost battery charge controller with direct power path control. The device offers high-efficiency battery charging over a wide voltage range with bulk, float and absorption charging for lead-acid batteries. The device integrates all the loop compensation for the buck-boost converter, thereby providing a high density solution with ease of use.
Besides the I2C host-controlled charging mode, the device also supports standalone charging mode via resistor programmable limits. Input current, charge current and charge voltage regulation targets can be set via the ILIM_HIZ, ICHG and FB pins, respectively.
BQ25751 | RRV (VQFN 36) | 6.0mm x 5.0mm | 6.0mm x 5.0mm |
PART NUMBER | BQ25856-Q1 | BQ25756 | BQ25750 | BQ25751 |
Key Feature | Li-Ion, LFP, DRSS introduced, increased TSHUT → 150 C, automotive qualified | Li-Ion, LFP | Li-Ion, LFP | Lead Acid |
Charger Topology | Buck-Boost | Buck-Boost | Buck-Boost | Buck-Boost |
Power Topology | Non Power-Path | Non Power-Path | Power-Path | Power-Path |
I2C Address | 0X6B | 0X6B | 0X6B | 0X6B |
Default Charge Profile | Li-Ion (trickle, precharge, CC, CV) | Li-Ion (trickle, precharge, CC, CV) | Li-Ion (trickle, precharge, CC, CV) | Pb-Acid (CC, CV-Absorb, CV-Float) |
Configuration | I2C + Standalone | I2C + Standalone | I2C + Standalone | I2C + Standalone |
Operating VIN | 4.4V → 70V | 4.4V → 70V | 4.4V → 70V | 4.4V → 70V |
Pin Count | 36 | 36 | 36 | 36 |
Package | 5X6 QFN | 5X6 QFN | 5X6 QFN | 5X6 QFN |
TS Pin Function | JEITA profile | JEITA profile | JEITA profile | CV voltage change with -2mV/°C temp. co. at FB pin |
NAME | NO. | ||
SCL | 1 | I | I2C Interface Clock – Connect SCL to the logic rail through a 10-kΩ resistor. |
SDA | 2 | IO | I2C Interface Data – Connect SDA to the logic rail through a 10-kΩ resistor. |
INT | 3 | O | Open Drain Interrupt Output – Connect the INT pin to a logic rail via 10-kΩ resistor. The INT pin sends an active low, 256-μs pulse to host to report the charger device status and faults. |
STAT1 | 4 | O | Open Drain Charge Status 1 Output – STAT1 and STAT2 indicate various charger operations, see Table 7-5. Connect to the pull up rail via 10-kΩ resistor. The STAT1, STAT2 pin functions can be disabled when DIS_STAT_PINS bit is set to 1. When disabled, this pin can be used as a general purpose indicator via the FORCE_STAT1_ON bit. |
STAT2 | 5 | O | Open Drain Charge Status 2 Output – STAT1 and STAT2 indicate various charger operations, see Table 7-5. Connect to the pull up rail via 10-kΩ resistor. The STAT1, STAT2 pin functions can be disabled when DIS_STAT_PINS bit is set to 1. When disabled, this pin can be used as a general purpose indicator via the FORCE_STAT2_ON bit. |
PG | 6 | O | Open Drain Active Low Power Good Indicator – Connect to the pull up rail via 10-kΩ resistor. LOW indicates a good input source if VAC is within the programmed ACUV / ACOV operating window. The PG pin function can be disabled when DIS_PG_PIN bit is set to 1. When disabled, this pin can be used as a general purpose indicator via the FORCE_STAT3_ON bit. |
CE | 7 | IO | Active Low Charge Enable Pin – Battery charging is enabled when EN_CHG bit is 1 and CE pin is LOW. CE pin must be pulled HIGH or LOW, do not leave floating. The CE pin function can be disabled when DIS_CE_PIN bit is set to 1. When disabled, this pin can be used as a general purpose indicator via the FORCE_STAT4_ON bit. |
TS | 8 | I | Temperature Qualification Voltage Input – Connect a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. Program temperature window with a resistor divider from REGN to TS to PGND. Charge suspends when TS pin voltage is out of range. Recommend 103AT-2 10-kΩ thermistor. |
ICHG | 9 | I | Charge Current Limit Setting – ICHG pin sets the maximum charge current, and can be used to monitor the charge current. A programming resistor to PGND is used to set the charge current limit as ICHG = KICHG / RICHG. When the device is under charge current regulation, the voltage at ICHG pin is VREF_ICHG. When ICHG pin voltage is less than VREF_ICHG, the actual charge current can be calculated as: IBAT = KICHG x VICHG / ( RICHG x VREF_ICHG). The actual charge current limit is the lower of the limits set by ICHG pin or the ICHG_REG register bits. This pin function can be disabled when EN_ICHG_PIN bit is 0. If ICHG pin is not used, this pin should be pulled to PGND, do not leave floating. |
ILIM_HIZ | 10 | I | Input Current Limit Setting and HIZ Mode Control Pin – ILIM_HIZ pin sets the maximum input current limit, can be used to monitor the input current and can be pulled HIGH to force device into HIZ mode. A programming resistor to PGND is used to set the input current limit as ILIM = KILIM / RILIM. When the device is under input current regulation, the voltage at ILIM_HIZ pin is VREF_ILIM. When ILIM_HIZ pin voltage is less than VREF_ILIM, the actual input current can be calculated as: IAC = KILIM x VILIM / ( RILIM x VREF_ILIM). The actual input current limit is the lower of the limits set by ILIM_HIZ pin or the IAC_DPM register bits. This pin function can be disabled when EN_ILIM_HIZ_PIN bit is 0. If ILIM_HIZ pin is not used, this pin should be pulled to PGND, do not leave floating. |
FBG | 11 | I | Voltage Feedback Divider Return – Connect to the bottom of battery feedback resistor. When charging, this pin is driven to PGND internally. When input voltage is outside of the ACUV / ACOV operating window, this pin is high-impedance, minimizing battery leakage current. |
FB | 12 | I | Charge Voltage Analog Feedback Adjustment – Connect the output of a resistive voltage divider from the battery terminals to this node to adjust the output battery regulation voltage. |
SRN | 13 | I | Charge Current-Sense Resistor, Negative Input – A 0.47-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from SRN to SRP to provide differential-mode filtering. An optional 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from the SRN pin to PGND for common-mode filtering. |
SRP | 14 | I | Charge Current-Sense Resistor, Positive Input – A 0.47-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from SRN to SRP to provide differential-mode filtering. A 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from the SRP pin to PGND for common-mode filtering. |
BATDRV | 15 | O | N-Channel Battery FET Gate Drive – Connect directly to the BATFET gate. Pin drives the gate with 10 V relative to BATSRC to turn on BATFET when the input voltage is outside of the ACUV / ACOV operating window. An optional capacitor from BATDRV to BATSRC can be used to slow down the turn on transition. |
BATSRC | 16 | I | N-Channel Battery FET Source – Connect directly to the BATFET common source. |
MODE | 17 | I | Tie this pin directly to PGND. |
SW2 | 18 | P | Boost Side Half Bridge Switching Node – Connect to the source of boost HS FET and the drain of boost LS FET. Connect the inductor between SW1 and SW2. |
HIDRV2 | 19 | O | Boost Side High-Side Gate Driver – Connect to the boost high-side N-channel MOSFET gate. |
BTST2 | 20 | P | Boost Side High-Side Power MOSFET Gate Driver Power Supply – Connect a capacitor between BTST2 and SW2 to provide bias to the high-side MOSFET gate driver. |
LODRV2 | 21 | O | Boost Side Low-Side Gate Driver – Connect to the boost low-side N-channel MOSFET gate. |
PGND | 22 | P | Power Ground Return – The high current ground connection for the low-side gate drivers. |
DRV_SUP | 23 | P | Charger Gate Drive Supply Input – Voltage on this pin is used to drive the gates of buck-boost converter switching FET. Connect a 4.7-μF ceramic capacitor from DRV_SUP to power ground. REGN LDO voltage can be used as the gate driver supply for all switching FETs by connecting REGN to DRV_SUP pin. In high-voltage applications, it is possible to directly provide the DRV_SUP voltage with an external supply up to 12 V to achieve higher switching efficiency. See Section for more details. |
REGN | 24 | P | Charger Internal Linear Regulator Output – Connect a 4.7-μF ceramic capacitor from REGN to power ground. REGN LDO voltage can be used as the gate driver supply for all switching FETs by connecting REGN to DRV_SUP pin. In high-voltage applications, it is possible to directly provide the DRV_SUP voltage with an external supply up to 12 V to achieve higher switching efficiency. See Section for more details. |
LODRV1 | 25 | O | Buck Side Low-Side Gate Driver – Connect to the buck low-side N-channel MOSFET gate. |
BTST1 | 26 | P | Buck Side High-Side Power MOSFET Gate Driver Power Supply – Connect a capacitor between BTST1 and SW1 to provide bias to the high-side MOSFET gate driver. |
HIDRV1 | 27 | O | Buck Side High-Side Gate Driver – Connect to the buck high-side N-channel MOSFET gate. |
SW1 | 28 | P | Buck Side Half Bridge Switching Node – Connect to the source of buck HS FET and the drain of buck LS FET. Connect the inductor between SW1 and SW2. |
ACN | 29 | I | Adapter Current-Sense Resistor, Negative Input – A 0.47-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from ACN to ACP to provide differential-mode filtering. An optional 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from the ACN pin to PGND for common-mode filtering. |
ACP | 30 | I | Adapter Current-Sense Resistor, Positive Input – A 0.47-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from ACN to ACP to provide differential-mode filtering. A 0.1-μF ceramic capacitor is placed from the ACP pin to PGND for common-mode filtering |
ACDRV | 31 | O | N-Channel Input FET Gate Drive – Connect directly to the back-to-back input FETs (ACFETs) gates. Pin drives the gate with 10V to turn on ACFETs when the input voltage is inside of the ACUV / ACOV operating window. If input voltage is outside the valid operating window, this pin pulls to PGND to turn off the FETs. Connect a 15-V Zener diode from ACDRV to the common source of the ACFETs. |
SYS | 32 | I | System voltage sense point – Sense point for system voltage. If VAC is outside of the ACUV / ACOV operating window, the BATFET will only turn on once the SYS voltage falls below battery voltage (ideal-diode turn on). When Reverse Mode is enabled, this pin voltage is regulated to VSYS_REV. |
VAC | 33 | P | Input Voltage Detection and Power – VAC is the input bias to power the IC. Connect a 1-µF capacitor from pin to PGND. |
ACUV | 34 | I | AC Undervoltage Comparator Input – Connect a resistor divider from VAC to PGND to program the undervoltage protection. When this pin falls below VREF_ACUV, the device stops charging, disables the ACFETs and enables the BATFET. The hardware limit for input voltage regulation reference is VACUV_DPM. The actual input voltage regulation is the higher of the pin-programmed value and the VAC_DPM register value. If ACUV programming is not used, pull this pin to VAC, do not leave floating. |
ACOV | 35 | I | AC Overvoltage Comparator Input – Connect a resistor divider from VAC to PGND to program the overvoltage protection. When this pin rises above VREF_ACOV, the device stops charging, disables the ACFETs and enables the BATFET. If ACOV programming is not used, pull this pin to PGND, do not leave floating. |
FSW_SYNC | 36 | I | Switching Frequency and Synchronization Input – An external resistor is connected to the FSW_SYNC pin and PGND to set the nominal switching frequency. This pin can also be used to synchronize the PWM controller to an external clock with 200-kHz to 600-kHz frequency. |
Thermal Pad | 37 | P | Exposed pad beneath the IC – Always solder the thermal pad to the board, and have vias on the thermal pad plane star-connecting to PGND and ground plane for high-current power converter. It also serves as a thermal pad to dissipate the heat. |