SLUSEK7 September 2024 BQ25773
Refer to the PDF data sheet for device specific package drawings
The actual input current limit being adopted by the device is the lower value of IIN_DPM and ILIM_HIZ pin. Register IIN_DPM input current limit value will be updated on below scenarios:
The input current limit function is enabled by default through (EN_IIN_DPM=1b), it can be disabled through setting EN_IIN_DPM=0b. Status bit IN_IIN_DPM is used to report input current under IIN_DPM() regulation.
The input voltage limit is configurable through VINDPM() register bits. Upon POR, VINDPM() default setting is A0h (3.2 V). EC host can rewrite to the target value after POR. There is also DETECT_VINDPM bit to DETECT VINDPM based on VBUS measurement result minus 1.28 V. Write 1b to DETECT_VINDPM bit to start the process, then converter shuts off to measure VBUS. After VBUS measurement is done, VINDPM() is written with value VBUS-1.28 V, DETECT_VINDPM bit goes back to 0 and converter starts up again. Status bit IN_VINDPM is used to report input voltage is under VINDPM regulation.