SLVSE40C February 2018 – September 2019 BQ25882
After the input source is qualified, the charger device runs Input Source Type Detection when AUTO_INDET_EN bit is set.
The BQ25882 follows the USB Battery Charging Specification 1.2 (BC1.2) to detect input source (SDP/CDP/DCP) and non-standard adapter through USB D+/D- lines. After input source type detection, the following registers and pins are changed:
After detection is completed, the host can over-write IINDPM or VINDPM registers to change the input current, or input voltage limit if needed. The charger input current is always limited by the lower of IINDPM register or ILIM pin at all-times regardless of Input Current Optimizer (ICO) setting.
When AUTO_INDET_EN is disabled, the Input Source Type Detection is bypassed, and the Input Current Limit (IINDPM) register remains unchanged from previous value. When EN_VINDPM_RST is disabled, the Input Voltage Limit (VINDPM) register remains unchanged from previous value.