SLUSB20C November 2012 – November 2021
To ensure proper operation at 400 kHz, a t(BUF) ≥ 66 μs bus free waiting time must be inserted between all packets addressed to the fuel gauge. In addition, if the SCL clock frequency (fSCL) is > 100 kHz, use individual 1-byte write commands for proper data flow control. The following diagram shows the standard waiting time required between issuing the control subcommand the reading the status result. An OCV_CMD subcommand requires 1.2 seconds prior to reading the result. For read-write standard command, a minimum of 2 seconds is required to get the result updated. For read-only standard commands, there is no waiting time required, but the host should not issue all standard commands more than two times per second. Otherwise, the fuel gauge could result in a reset issue due to the expiration of the watchdog timer.