SLUSC53B May 2015 – May 2018
Issuing a Control() command requires a subsequent 2-byte subcommand. These additional bytes specify the particular control function desired. The Control() command allows the system to control specific features of the bq27546-G1 during normal operation and additional features when the bq27546-G1 is in different access modes, as described in Table 8.
CONTROL_STATUS | 0x0000 | Yes | Reports the status of DF Checksum, Impedance Track, and so on |
DEVICE_TYPE | 0x0001 | Yes | Reports the device type of 0x0541 (indicating bq27546-G1) |
FW_VERSION | 0x0002 | Yes | Reports the firmware version on the device type |
HW_VERSION | 0x0003 | Yes | Reports the hardware version on the device type |
RESET_DATA | 0x0005 | Yes | Returns reset data |
PREV_MACWRITE | 0x0007 | Yes | Returns previous Control() subcommand code |
CHEM_ID | 0x0008 | Yes | Reports the chemical identifier of the Impedance Track configuration |
BOARD_OFFSET | 0x0009 | No | Forces the device to measure and store the board offset |
CC_OFFSET | 0x000A | No | Forces the device to measure the CC offset |
DF_VERSION | 0x000C | Yes | Reports the data flash version of the device |
SET_FULLSLEEP | 0x0010 | Yes | Sets the CONTROL_STATUS[FULLSLEEP] bit to 1 |
SET_SHUTDOWN | 0x0013 | Yes | Sets the CONTROL_STATUS[SHUTDWN] bit to 1 |
CLEAR_SHUTDOWN | 0x0014 | Yes | Clears the CONTROL_STATUS[SHUTDWN] bit to 1 |
SET_HDQINTEN | 0x0015 | Yes | Forces CONTROL_STATUS [HDQHOSTIN] to 1 |
STATIC_CHEM_CHKSUM | 0x0017 | Yes | Calculates chemistry checksum |
ALL_DF_CHKSUM | 0x0018 | Yes | Reports checksum for all data flash excluding device specific variables |
STATIC_DF_CHKSUM | 0x0019 | Yes | Reports checksum for static data flash excluding device specific variables |
SYNC_SMOOTH | 0x001E | Yes | Synchronizes RemCapSmooth() and FCCSmooth() with RemCapTrue() and FCCTrue() |
SEALED | 0x0020 | No | Places the fuel gauge in SEALED access mode |
IT_ENABLE | 0x0021 | No | Enables the Impedance Track algorithm |
IMAX_INT_CLEAR | 0x0023 | Yes | Clears an Imax interrupt that is currently asserted on the RC2 pin |
CAL_ENABLE | 0x002D | No | Toggle CALIBRATION mode |
RESET | 0x0041 | No | Forces a full reset of the fuel gauge |
EXIT_CAL | 0x0080 | No | Exit CALIBRATION mode |
ENTER_CAL | 0x0081 | No | Enter CALIBRATION mode |
OFFSET_CAL | 0x0082 | No | Reports internal CC offset in CALIBRATION mode |