SLUSBV9D March 2014 – January 2018
Extended commands offer additional functionality beyond the standard set of commands. They are used in the same manner; however unlike standard commands, extended commands are not limited to 2-byte words. The number of command bytes for a given extended command ranges in size from single to multiple bytes, as specified in Table 10. For details on the SEALED and UNSEALED states, see the Access Modes section in the bq27742-G1 Technical Reference Manual (SLUUAX0).
PackConfiguration() | 0x3A and 0x3B | Hex | R | R |
DesignCapacity() | 0x3C and 0x3D | mAh | R | R |
DataFlashClass()(2) | 0x3E | NA | NA | RW |
DataFlashBlock()(2) | 0x3F | NA | RW | RW |
BlockData()/Authenticate()(3) | 0x40 to 0x53 | NA | RW | RW |
BlockData()/AuthenticateCheckSum()(3) | 0x54 | NA | RW | RW |
BlockData() | 0x55 to 0x5F | NA | R | RW |
BlockDataCheckSum() | 0x60 | NA | RW | RW |
BlockDataControl() | 0x61 | NA | NA | RW |
DODatEOC() | 0x62 and 0x63 | NA | R | R |
Qstart() | 0x64 and 0x65 | mAh | R | R |
FastQmax() | 0x66 and 0x67 | mAh | R | R |
Reserved | 0x68 to 0x6C | NA | R | R |
ProtectorStatus() | 0x6D | Hex | R | R |
Reserved | 0x6E and 0x6F | NA | R | R |
SimultaneousCurrent() | 0x70 and 0x71 | mA | R | R |
Reserved | 0x72 and 0x73 | NA | R | R |
FETTest() | 0x74 and 0x75 | Hex | R | RW |
AveragePower() | 0x76 and 0x77 | mW or cW | R | R |
ProtectorState() | 0x78 | Hex | R | R |
AN_COUNTER | 0x79 | |||
AN_CURRENT_LSB | 0x7A | |||
AN_CURRENT_MSB | 0x7B | |||
AN_VCELL_LSB | 0x7C | |||
AN_VCELL_MSB | 0x7D | |||
AN_TEMP_LSB | 0x7E | |||
AN_TEMP_MSB | 0x7F |