SLUSBZ5D January 2015 – April 2021 BQ34Z100-G1
This read-only command returns an unsigned integer value of the expected margin of error, in %, in the state-of-charge calculation, with a range of 1% to 100%. MaxError() is incremented internally by 0.05% for every increment of CycleCount after the last QMAX update. MaxError() is incremented in the display by 1% for each increment of CycleCount.
EVENT | MaxError() SETTING |
Full reset | Set to 100% |
QMAX and Ra table update | Set to 1% |
QMAX update | Set to 3% |
Ra table update | Set to 5% |
If MaxError() exceeds the value programmed in Max Error Limit, then [CF] in ControlStatus() is set. Only when MaxError() returns below this value will [CF] be cleared.