The BQ40Z80 charge control features include:
- Supports JEITA temperature ranges. Reports charging voltage and charging current according to the active temperature range
- Handles more complex charging profiles. Allows for splitting the standard temperature range into two sub-ranges and allows for varying the charging current according to the cell voltage
- Reports the appropriate charging current needed for constant current charging and the appropriate charging voltage needed for constant voltage charging to a smart charger using SMBus broadcasts
- Reduces the charge difference of the battery cells in fully charged state of the battery pack gradually using a voltage-based cell balancing algorithm during charging. A voltage threshold can be set up for cell balancing to be active. This prevents fully charged cells from overcharging and causing excessive degradation and also increases the usable pack energy by preventing premature charge termination.
- Supports charge inhibit and charge suspend if battery pack temperature is out of temperature range
- Reports charging fault and also indicates charge status via charge and discharge alarms