SLUSFC9 December 2023 BQ76972
NO. | NAME | |||
1 | VC15 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the fifteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the fifteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the sixteenth cell from the bottom of stack |
2 | VC14 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the fourteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the fourteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the fifteenth cell from the bottom of the stack |
3 | VC13 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the thirteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the thirteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the fourteenth cell from the bottom of the stack |
4 | VC12 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the twelfth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the twelfth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the thirteenth cell from the bottom of the stack |
5 | VC11 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the eleventh cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the eleventh cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the twelfth cell from the bottom of the stack |
6 | VC10 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the tenth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the tenth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the eleventh cell from the bottom of the stack |
7 | VC9 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the ninth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the ninth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the tenth cell from the bottom of the stack |
8 | VC8 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the eighth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the eighth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the ninth cell from the bottom of the stack |
9 | VC7 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the seventh cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the seventh cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the eighth cell from the bottom of the stack |
10 | VC6 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the sixth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the sixth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the seventh cell from the bottom of the stack |
11 | VC5 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the fifth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the fifth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the sixth cell from the bottom of the stack |
12 | VC4 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the fifth cell from the bottom of the stack |
13 | VC3 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the third cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the third cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the fourth cell from the bottom of the stack |
14 | VC2 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the second cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the second cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the third cell from the bottom of the stack |
15 | VC1 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the first cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the first cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the second cell from the bottom of the stack |
16 | VC0 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the negative terminal of the first cell from the bottom of the stack, and return balance current for the first cell from the bottom of the stack |
17 | VSS | — | P | Device ground |
18 | SRP | I | IA | Analog input pin connected to the internal coulomb counter peripheral for integrating a small voltage between SRP and SRN, where SRP is the top of the sense resistor. A charging current generates a positive voltage at SRP relative to SRN. |
19 | NC | — | — | This pin is not connected to silicon. |
20 | SRN | I | IA | Analog input pin connected to the internal coulomb counter peripheral for integrating a small voltage between SRP and SRN, where SRN is the bottom of the sense resistor. A charging current generates a positive voltage at SRP relative to SRN. |
21 | TS1 | I/O | OD, I/OA | Thermistor input, or general purpose ADC input |
22 | TS2 | I/O | OD, I/OA | Thermistor input and functions as wakeup from SHUTDOWN, or general purpose ADC input |
23 | TS3 | I/O | OD, I/OA | Thermistor input, or general purpose ADC input |
24 | REG18 | O | P | Internal 1.8-V LDO output (only for internal use) |
25 | ALERT | I/O | I/OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be ALERT output, or HDQ I/O, or thermistor input, or general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
26 | SCL | I/O | I/OD | Multifunction pin, can be SCL or SPI_SCLK |
27 | SDA | I/O | I/OD | Multifunction pin, can be SDA or SPI_MISO |
28 | HDQ | I/O | I/OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be HDQ I/O, SPI_MOSI, thermistor input, general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
29 | CFETOFF | I/O | I/OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be CFETOFF, SPI_CS, thermistor input, general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
30 | DFETOFF | I/O | I/OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be DFETOFF, BOTHOFF, thermistor input, general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
31 | DCHG | I/O | OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be DCHG, thermistor input, general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
32 | DDSG | I/O | OD, I/OA | Multifunction pin, can be DDSG, thermistor input, general purpose ADC input, or general purpose digital output |
33 | RST_SHUT | I | ID | Digital input pin for reset or shutdown |
34 | REG2 | O | P | Second LDO (REG2) output, which can be programmed for 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.0 V, 3.3 V, or 5.0 V. |
35 | REG1 | O | P | First LDO (REG1) output, which can be programmed for 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.0 V, 3.3 V, or 5.0 V. |
36 | REGIN | I | IA | Input pin for REG1 and REG2 LDOs |
37 | BREG | O | OA | Base control signal for external preregulator transistor |
38 | FUSE | I/O | I/OA | Fuse sense and drive |
39 | PDSG | O | OA | Predischarge PFET control |
40 | PCHG | O | OA | Precharge PFET control |
41 | LD | I/O | I/OA | Load detect pin |
42 | PACK | I | IA | Pack sense input pin |
43 | DSG | O | OA | NMOS Discharge FET drive output pin |
44 | NC | — | — | This pin is not connected to silicon. |
45 | CHG | O | OA | NMOS Charge FET drive output pin |
46 | CP1 | I/O | I/OA | Charge pump capacitor |
47 | BAT | I | P | Primary power supply input pin |
48 | VC16 | I | IA | Sense voltage input pin for the sixteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, balance current input for the sixteenth cell from the bottom of the stack, and top-of-stack measurement point |