SLUSCD0B August 2015 – November 2018
Current data is taken from the bq76920 and made available through Current(). The selection of the current sense resistor connected to SRP and SRN of the bq76920 is very important and there are several factors involved.
The aim of the sense resistor selection is to use the widest ADC input voltage range possible.
To maximize accuracy, the sense resistor value should be calculated based on the following formula:
RSNS(min) should include tolerance, temperature drift over the application temperature, and PCB layout tolerances when selecting the actual nominal resistor value.
When selecting the RSNS value, be aware that when selecting a small value, for example, 1 mΩ, then the resolution of the current measurement will be > 1 mA. In the example of RSNS = 1 mΩ, the current LSB will be 8.44 mA.
For improved accuracy, offset and gain calibration are available for this value and can be managed through the bqStudio tool. The procedure for calibration is described in the bq78350-R1 Technical Reference Manual(SLUUBD3) in the Calibration chapter.