2 Revision History
Changes from October 16, 2015 to July 5, 2016 (from A Revision () to B Revision)
Added split VDDS supply rail feature Go
Added 2-Mbps Bluetooth low energyGo
Added 5-Mbps proprietary modeGo
Added option for up to 80-Ω ESR when CL is 6 pF or lower Go
Added tolerance for RCOSC_LF and RTC accuracy content Go
Updated the Soc ADC internal voltage reference specification in Section 5.18 Go
Moved all SSI parameters to Section 5.24 Go
Added 0-dBm setting to the TX Current Consumption vs Supply Voltage (VDDS) graph Go
Changed Figure 5-14, Receive Mode Current vs Supply Voltage (VDDS) Go
Added Figure 5-24, Supply Current vs Temperature Go
Changes from February 21, 2015 to October 15, 2015 (from * Revision () to Revision)
Removed RHB package option from CC2620Go
Added motional inductance recommendation to the 24-MHz XOSC table Go
Added SPI timing parameters Go
Added VOH and VOL min and max values for 4-mA and 8-mA load Go
Added min and max values for VIH and VIL Go
Added IEEE 802.15.4 Sensitivity vs Channel FrequencyGo
Added BLE Sensitivity vs Channel FrequencyGo
Added RF Output Power vs Channel FrequencyGo
Added Figure 5-14, Receive Mode Current vs Supply Voltage (VDDS)Go
Changed Figure 5-23, SoC ADC ENOB vs Sampling Frequency (Input Frequency = FS / 10)Go
Clarified Brown Out Detector status and functionality in the Power Modes table. Go
Added application circuit schematics and layout for 5XD and 4XS Go